FindAminet 1.15 for AmiFTP © 1996 Sami Itkonen Purpose: To find and get files from Aminet with AmiFTP, using Aminet findservers which exist in some Aminet sites. Requirements: AmigaOS 2.04 or higher AmiFTP 1.149 or higher AmiTCP installed since the script needs the TCP:-device rexxreqtools.library (At the time of writing aminet:util/rexx/rexxreqtools.lha, also part of the reqtools distribution) rexxdossupport.library (.. aminet:util/rexx/RexxDosSupport.lha) amigaguide.library Installation: copy Find.AmiFTP rexx: protect rexx:Find.AmiFTP +s Usage: [rx] Find.AmiFTP [-e] ["substring"|"substrings"] [-m] [-s] [-p] [-f] [-w] [-c<0|1>] Explanation of the options: -e - tells the Aminet findserver to look for the exact string -m - defines the maximum number hits the findserver should return. -s - the Aminet site to use -p - The Arexx portname of AmiFTP FindAminet -f - the number of the findsite to use (more on this below) -w - the width of the lines the findserver should return (not all findservers understand this command) -c<0|1> - will force crap filtering on (1) or off (0). Any other number will be ignored. Arguments can be freely mixed on the command line. Any argument not beginning with a hyphen ('-') will be taken as a part of the string to find. If no string is specified, you will be prompted with a reqtools requester to enter a string. You can enter options in that requester, too. If any files are found, an amigaguide file will be popped up (See section Getting files). Configuration: The following variables can be configured (by editing the script) for customization: dldir - Your default download directory AmiFTP_bin - The full path to your AmiFTP binary. Set this if you don't have AmiFTP in your command path. sitename - The default Aminet site to use pubscreen - The public screen to use viewmethod - Defines the method to 'view' downloaded files. 'builtin' will try to use AmiFTP's builtin VIEW command (more on this in the AmiFTP documentation). 'processfile' will use 'rexx:processfile.rexx', which comes with eg. Grapevine. Any other setting will disable viewing. filtercrap - If set to 1, will filter out all files in directories that match 'filterpat', which is a valid AmigaDOS pattern. filterpat - The pattern to filter out files in unwanted directories. width - The default display width maxhits - The default number of maximum hits fsitenum - The number of the default Aminet findsite. Possible choices are: 1 - Using site 2 - ... 3 - ... Getting files: Whether the script finds files or not, it will popup an amigaguide file containing the hits. If there are none, there will only be a gadget named 'Search for a new file', which will call Find.AmiFTP script again. The Aminet site and findsite used and the portname for the script will be propagated to next script. Those files found will be in the following format: [ Filename ] Directory Size Age¹ [ Description ] Clicking on the 'filename' gadget will download the file and optionally try to view/process it, depending on the 'viewmethod' configuration variable. Clicking on 'description' gadget will download and view the Readme of the file. ¹) Some findsites do not supply this Disclaimer: This software is provided as it is. I cannot be held responsible for any damage that will happen to your computer, you or your state of mind. Any funny remarks in this file are completely unintentional. Credits: Thanks go to: Osma Ahvenlampi for writing Browse.DaFTP and other cool stuff Josef Faulkner for writing aminetfind.gvrexx Magnus Lilja for AmiFTP Commodore for making such a mess of everything Douglas Adams - not that he had anything to with the script or Amiga at all, but Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a great book, don't you think? Contacting the Author: Email: IRC: Camelot (in undernet) Find.AmiFTP version history: 1.15 - Added the -c option for switching crap filter on/off - fixed the bug with the crap filter - Removed the very incomplete 'History' section from the doc file :) 1.14 - Added the view method 'builtin' 1.13 - Added the viewmethod configuration variable 1.12 - Options can now be freely mixed in the command line - haegar2 (findsite) doesn't show age field, files found from there are now shown correctly 1.11 - Changed the 'exact' keyword to the '-e' option 1.10 - All requesters/guide now use the supplied public screen 1.9 - Findsite didn't propagate from one script to another, fixed that bug