NAME CAPrefs -- ClassAct Preferences Daemon SYNOPSIS CAPrefs BEVELS/K,SPACE=LAYOUTSPACING/K/N,GADGETS/K, LABELPLACE/K,LABELPEN/K/N,LABELFONT/K,REFRESH/K, PATTERN/K,FALLBACKFONT/K CAPrefs [BEVELS GT|THIN|XEN] [SPACE n] [GADGETS NORMAL|3D] [LABELPLACE LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER] [LABELPEN n] [LABELFONT font/size] [REFRESH SIMPLE|SMART] [PATTERN image] [FALLBACKFONT font/size] FUNCTION Set up ClassAct preferences. Run this program before any applications that utilize ClassAct classes. A good place is early in the user-startup. A graphic preferences editor will be provided in the near future. ARGUMENTS BEVELS GT - GadTools-like 2:1 aspect bevels. The default. THIN - 1:1 aspect thin bevels. SPACE Spacing between gadgets. Corresponds to pixels in THIN bevel mode, scaled to bevel width. Default 4. GADGETS NORMAL - standard V37 window border gadgets. The default. 3D - with SysIHack 3DLOOK, a 3D iconify gadget. LABELPLACE LEFT - left justified group labels. RIGHT - right justified group labels. CENTER - centered group labels. The default. LABELPEN Pen number to use for labels. Default is TEXTPEN. LABELFONT Font name and size to use for group labels. Default is the screen/window font. REFRESH Window refresh type. Simple refresh windows take less memory but update slower when uncovered from behind other windows. Smart refresh is quicker but more memory hungry. Default is smart. PATTERN On OS 3.0, ClassAct window.class can automatically install a backfill pattern to windows, using any image understood by the datatypes. This option is the name of that image. FALLBACKFONT Window fallback font in case the default font is too large to fit the window on the screen. EXAMPLE CAPrefs BEVELS=THIN SPACE=3 LABELPEN=2 LABELFONT Times/12