****************************************************************************** HP-Writer v1.41 by Paquot Christophe (HPC) ****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 1997. Shareware version. Sorry, if I have a bad english because english isn't my native language. I-Warning --------- I don't have any reported bugs, but if you're in doubt, please make a back-up of your memory and protect your ramcard. HP-Writer doesn't work on the HP48S series, only HP48G(X). It has only been tested on rom revision R but addresses that I used to make it haven't change since rev M, so theoretically it should work on all HP48G(X). If it doesn't, contact me. II-Description -------------- HP-Writer is a text editor written in Sys-Rpl (7%) and assembly (93%) for a total of 9K bytes. This library uses the Universal Font Library (UFL), you can get it on the web at this address: http://www.engr.uvic.ca/~aschoorl/ufl/ If you have remarks, questions, or need help, please contact me. Here is my address: Paquot Christophe e-mail: paquot@mail.pf BP 6127 FAAA 98702 TAHITI French Polynesia My telephone number is : (689) 438723 and my fax number is : (689) 410214 Note : HP-Writer is shareware, so if you like it or use it a lot, please send me $5 US with your e-mail. Then you'll receive a special version with more features :-) (for example, a viewer) III-Utilization --------------- a) Commands: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ HP-Writer's commands are defined as follows: /-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------\ |SStart |SEnd |Paste |Cut |Copy |Find |.. Unshifted keys |GoStart|GoEnd |SwpTeCl|DeleteS| |Replace|.. Left shifted keys | | | | | | |.. Right shifted keys +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |Match |Cut |MExec |TogSpd |Up |NxtPatt| |GoLine |Char? |MStaRec| |PgUp |PrevPat| |GoPos |TabChar|MEndRec|MenuTop|GoTop |Infos | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |'' |STO |EVAL |Left |Down |Right | |UPDIR |PutStk |->NUM |PgLeft |PgDown |PgRight| |HOME |GetStk |UNDO |LiStart|GoEOF |LiEnd | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |Invert |Bold |Underl |SqRoot |^ |INV | |Italic |ACOS |ATAN |SQ |ALOG |EXP | | | | |XROOT |LOG |LN | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |Exit HPW |NEG |EEX |Del |BckSpc | |DUP |EDIT |PURGE |DelLine|<-Del | |DUP |NEG |LASTARG|DelRigh|Del-> | \---------------+-------+-------+-------+-------/ SStart : Start selection. SEnd : End of selection. Paste : Copy clipboard to cursor. Cut : Cut selection to clipboard. DeleteS : Delete selection. Copy : Copy selection to clipboard. GoStart : Go to the beginning of selection. GoEnd : Go to the end of selection. GetStk : Pop string from first level of stack into cursor position. PutStk : Put selection on stack, or if there's no selection, clipboard. SwpTeCl : Swap text and cliboard. Del : Delete char under cursor. DelLine : Delete line under cursor. DelRigh : Delete the rest of the current line. BckSpc : Backspace, delete char before cursor. <-Del : Delete characters from the beginning of the word to cursor. Del-> : Delete characters from cursor to the end of the word. Find : Find a pattern. NxtPatt : Find next pattern. PrevPat : Find previous pattern. Replace : Find and replace pattern. Cut : Cut lines longer than the input number. Char? : Input character number to insert. TabChar : Choose a character from the table of characters, ENTER for echo, ON to abort, and arrows to move. GoLine : Input line to jump to. GoPos : Input position to jump to. Infos : Show differents informations about current text and HP48. MenuTop : Choose a topic from the menu of all topics of the current text. TogSpd : Toggle speed fast/slow, saved to system flag 4. Match : Try to match the delimiter at cursor position. It is specially useful for programmers. Delimiters allowed are: :: ; : System-Rpl delimiters { } : List delimiters ( ) : Complex delimiters [ ] : Array delimiters << >> : User-Rpl delimiters CODE ENDCODE : Language machine delimiters Note: HPW takes care about string delimiters ( " ", $ " " ) MExec : Execute macro key sequence. MStaRec : Start recording macro key. MEndRec : Stop recording macro key. Invert : Insert/Delete a chr(11) & I to use Inverted character style. Bold : Insert/Delete a chr(11) & B to use Bold character style. Underl : Insert/Delete a chr(11) & U to use Underlined character style. Italic : Insert/Delete a chr(11) & / to use Italic character style. Note: o The max lenght of a macro key sequence is 48 keys and alpha, left and right shift are considered as keys. o Cut command tries not to cut a word, but if it can't (word is too long), it'll cut it. o Inverted, Bold and Underlined character styles are compatible with X-View and FTL2. Only Italic character style isn't supported by them :-( o Do not insert a character style from Char? or TabChar, it is buggy. ( not a big bug but still...) b) Others: ^^^^^^^^^^ - When a line begins with '*', it is recognized as a topic sign. - To add a tab, press alpha,right-shift,space. IV-Credits ---------- Thank to all beta-testers: JB, HPEP, Teva, Philippe, Moevai, Julien, JB2, Sebast, Jerome. Special thanks to Mika for Jazz v6.5, Andre for Java 3.2a and some remarks, Keith J. Farmer. V-History --------- Ver 1.41: Added Replace command. A tiny change in key handling. Ver 1.4 : Added character styles (Inverted, Bold, Underlined and Italic). Changed key handling. (I think it is better than last one) Some routines were optimized. Ver 1.3 : Added Match, <-Del, Del-> command. Added an error handling (for editing object), and some minor optimizations. Fixed keys bugs (e.g Right Shift & 0) and PutStk bug. HPW accepts now a string (level2) and a real number (level1): Edit the string at the real number position. Ver 1.2 : Added GetStk, PutStk, SwpTeCl, Cut command. Shorted some routines. Fixed some bugs. Ver 1.1 : Added GoStart, GoEnd, GoLine, GoPos commands. Test if UFL is installed by Andre Schoorl. Entirely rewritten key routine. Fixed some grammticals errors in docs by Andre Schoorl. Fixed bugs: Find bug, Vertical scrolling bug, ... Ver 1.0 : First release of HP-Writer. First upload it on the Internet.