FIT48 - Fitness PIM for the HP48G Version 1.0 Library ID 1496 FIT48 is a personal information manager for tracking health and fitness. It maintains a daily database of weight, calories consumed, and fat grams consumed. FIT48 provides graphical and tabular displays of information from the database. Note: FIT48 requires an HP48G or HP48GX series calculator. It will not run on an HP48S or HP48SX. FIT48 is NOT public domain software. It is copyright (c) 1994 by Stephen A. Thomas. You are free to use the library for any purposes, however, provided, 1) You don't sell it. (If you distribute the library, you may charge a reasonable fee for materials, shipping, and handling. You must also include this copyright notice and license with all copies.) If possible, I would also appreciate it if 2) You drop me a line ( to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is encouraged. Please let me know about any bugs or defects! Installing the FIT48 Library ---------------------------- 1. Download FIT48.LIB to your HOME directory in binary mode. 2. Press [VAR] ['] |FIT48.LIB| [ENTER] [ENTER] [RIGHT-SHIFT] [RCL] [LEFT-SHIFT] [SWAP] [LEFT-SHIFT] [PURGE] 0 [STO] 3. Turn off your HP48 and turn it back on again. Using the FIT48 Library ----------------------- To access the FIT48 main screen: 1. [RIGHT-SHIFT] [LIBRARY] 2. |FIT48| (cycling through [NXT] if needed) 3. |FIT48| The first time you run FIT48, it displays a copyright screen for a few seconds. Next it asks you for your current weight. FIT48 then creates a new variable, 'fPAR', in your home directory. All information that FIT48 maintains is stored in that variable. The FIT48 main screen displays current (today's) information. An example screen is shown below. ######## FIT48 - WED 03AUG ######## Weight: 192 (-13) Today: 800 5g 6% Tue-Tue: 1687 27g 14% ABOUT SCALE EAT TABLE PLOT QUIT The information in this screen includes your current weight (192 lbs) and the difference between that weight and your starting weight (13 lbs). The next line shows the number of calories (800) and fat grams (5) consumed today. It also computes the percentage of calories from fat (6%). The following line shows the same information averaged for the seven days prior to today. The example shows the average for the 7 days between 26Jul and 2Aug, inclusive. The menu keys perform the following functions: |ABOUT| Shows copyright and version information; press any key to return to the main screen. |SCALE| Allows you to enter today's weight using a standard HP48G form. (The first time FIT48 is run on any given day, it automatically sets the current weight to be the same as the previous day's weight. Use this command to enter a new weight.) | EAT | Allows you to enter calories and fat grams for a meal, using a standard HP48G form. |TABLE| Creates a table of all information (date, weight, calories consumed, fat grams, and % calories from fat). The table is viewed using the PICTURE environment. Press [CANCEL] to return to the main screen. |PLOT | Creates a bar plot of weight, calories consumed, or fat grams. The plot is viewed using the PLOT environment. Press [CANCEL] or |CANCL| to return to the main screen. |QUIT | Exits FIT48, giving you the option of accepting or ignoring any information entered in the current session. Two other keys are also active in the main screen. [CANCEL] - same as |QUIT| [LEFT-SHIFT] [EDIT] - lets you select a specific day's data (today or a previous day) to edit. Other library commands: |W->DY| Given a desired weight (in level 1), predicts a date at which that weight will be reached. The result is based on a linear regression of the current data assuming a linear fit. |FIT->S| Stores the current FIT48 data in 'SDAT' (where S represents the summation sign) in the current directory. This lets you perform your own statistical analysis on the data. The format for the data is: col 1: day number, starting at 1 col 2: weight col 3: calories consumed col 4: fat grams consumed col 5: percent calories from fat |FINIT| Re-initializes FIT48 with a new starting date and starting weight. |ABOUT| Shows copyright and version information. History ------- 0.9 20Jun94 - Beta Release 1.0 03Aug94 - Initial Release