Article 1670 of comp.sys.handhelds: From: (Mark Adler) Newsgroups: comp.sys.handhelds Subject: Shorter APPT, APDIR (this is a LONG message) Date: 29 Mar 90 20:13:24 GMT Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena After getting the Appointment application (APPT and APDIR) from the HP bulletin board and kermiting it over to my calculator, I found that I didn't have much memory left. With a few other things loaded in as well (the stopwatch, some of my own things), I started thinking about buying more memory for the thing. Then I looked at the programs in APDIR, and decided it was really a ploy to make me get more memory. It almost worked too! Without changing the functionality whatsoever, I reduced the size of APDIR from 13714 bytes to 8173.5 bytes. I did this by rewriting parts of the programs, putting them all in one directory, and combining some programs (and even fixing a bug or two here and there). It is even a little faster now. The thing really deserves a total rewrite, and I estimate it could be made faster and more functional in less than 5 or 6K bytes. But, alas, I don't have time for that. Anyway, here is the shortened version, first APPT and then APDIR. Mark Adler %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); @ Store as 'APPT' @ 'APPT' BYTES should give CRC #5470h, and length 83.5. \<< APDIR RCLF 'flags' STO MYFLGS STOF CNTL flags STOF HOME 2 MENU \>> %%HP: T(3)A(R)F(.); @ Store as 'APDIR' @ 'APDIR' BYTES should give CRC #B8C7h, and length 8173.5. @ Note that if APPT is run, APDIR changes. DIR CNTL @ Main function---called by APPT (not in APDIR) @ Setup and process keystrokes at top (calendar) level. \<< DEPTH \->LIST 'STACK' STO @ save stack DATE 'DSTR' STO @ set date to current date REFRESH @ put up calendar DO @ process keys until ... -1 WAIT DOKEY UNTIL IP 16 == @ menu key F. END DROP2 STACK OBJ\-> DROP @ restore stack \>> REFRESH @ called by CNTL, DOKEY (5) @ Put up calendar display and menu. \<< @ SETUP { "FIND" "GOTO" "ADD" "UPLD" "APPTS" "Stop" } MENU DSTR SETUP2 MNTH LCD\-> @ HLIT Dy ADR + 7 / FP 7 * 3 * 6 * 1 - 'COL' STO Dy ADR + 7 / IP 1 + 8 * 1 - 'ROW' STO DUP COL R\->B ROW R\->B 2 \->LIST COL 12 + R\->B ROW 8 + R\->B 2 \->LIST SUB NEG COL R\->B ROW R\->B 2 \->LIST SWAP REPL DUP \->LCD \>> DOKEY @ called by CNTL @ Execute the keystroke on the stack for the calendar menu, update DSTR. \<< { 11.1 { DROP SRCMAIN REFRESH 11.1 } 12.1 { DROP GOTO REFRESH 12.1 } 13.1 { CLEAR DSTR TIME 100 * IP 100 / "" 0 4 \->LIST BEG 1 CF REFRESH 13.1 } 14.1 { DROP OVERALL REFRESH 14.1 } 15.1 { APPTS REFRESH 15.1 } 36.1 DYPL 34.1 DYMIN 35.1 NWEEK 25.1 PWEEK 95.1 MOPL 85.1 MOMIN 95.2 YRPLS 85.2 YRMIN 91.3 OFF } DUP2 SWAP POS IF DUP THEN 1 + GET EVAL ELSE DROP2 END Yr OBJ\-> 10000 / Dy + 100 / Mo + 'DSTR' STO \>> SRCMAIN @ called by DOKEY @ FIND key: find an appointment and go to that date. \<< @ GTSTR DROP2 { } MENU "Type search string\010Then press ENTER." SRCSTR \Ga 2 \->LIST INPUT 'SRCSTR' STO CLLCD "Searching" 2 DISP @ GTALN DSTR FINDALARM 'NXTALRM' STO @ SRCALRM 0 'ENDALRM' STO 0 'FNDALRM' STO DO NXTALRM IFERR RCLALARM THEN 1 'ENDALRM' STO ELSE @ CHKALRM 1 GETI TIME TSTR 1 12 SUB 4 DISP DROP 3 GETI SWAP DROP DUP TYPE 2 == IF THEN SRCSTR POS ELSE DROP 0 END IF THEN 1 'FNDALRM' STO ELSE DROP END END NXTALRM 1 + 'NXTALRM' STO UNTIL ENDALRM FNDALRM OR END @ ENDPROC IF ENDALRM THEN CLEAR CLLCD "No appointment found\010\010Press a top row key." 3 DISP -1 WAIT DROP ELSE 1 GET 'DSTR' STO END \>> GOTO @ called by DOKEY @ GOTO key: goto the entered date. \<< DROP2 { } MENU "Type date (MM.DDYYYY):\010Then press ENTER." DSTR \->STR -1 2 \->LIST INPUT OBJ\-> 'DSTR' STO \>> YRMIN @ called by DOKEY @ left - key: go back one year. \<< ROT DROP2 DSTR .000001 - RDOSCR \>> YRPLS @ called by DOKEY @ left + key: go forward one year. \<< ROT DROP2 DSTR .000001 + RDOSCR \>> MOMIN @ called by DOKEY @ - key: go back one month. \<< ROT DROP2 DSTR DUP IP 1 - SWAP 100 * FP 100 / .01 + + DUP IF 1 < THEN .000001 - 12 + END RDOSCR \>> MOPL @ called by DOKEY @ + key: go forward one month. \<< ROT DROP2 DSTR DUP IP 1 + SWAP 100 * FP 100 / .01 + + DUP IF 13 > THEN FP 1.000001 + END RDOSCR \>> PWEEK @ called by DOKEY @ down key: go forward one week (but stay in month). \<< IF Dy 7 > THEN SWAP HLIT2 Dy 7 - 'Dy' STO RC HLIT2 DUP \->LCD SWAP ELSE 400 .2 BEEP END \>> NWEEK @ called by DOKEY @ up key: go back one week (but stay in month). \<< IF Dy DSTR LMNTH 6 - < THEN SWAP HLIT2 7 Dy + 'Dy' STO RC HLIT2 DUP \->LCD SWAP ELSE 400 .2 BEEP END \>> DYMIN @ called by DOKEY @ left key: go back one day (but stay in month). \<< IF Dy 1 > THEN SWAP HLIT2 Dy 1 - 'Dy' STO RC HLIT2 DUP \->LCD SWAP ELSE 400 .2 BEEP END \>> DYPL @ called by DOKEY @ right key: go forward one day (but stay in month). \<< IF Dy DSTR LMNTH < THEN SWAP HLIT2 1 Dy + 'Dy' STO RC HLIT2 DUP \->LCD SWAP ELSE 400 .2 BEEP END \>> OVERALL @ called by DOKEY @ UPLD key: dump a range of appointments to I/O device. \<< @ GDATES "Enter Start Date\010(MM.DDYYYY)\010Then press ENTER" DSTR \->STR -1 2 \->LIST INPUT OBJ\-> 'SDAT' STO "Enter End Date\010(MM.DDYYYY)\010Then press ENTER" DSTR \->STR -1 2 \->LIST INPUT OBJ\-> 'ENDAT' STO "\010" @ RAPPTS SDAT FINDALARM DUP 'NXTALRM' STO SDAT DFLIP 'SDAT' STO ENDAT DFLIP 'ENDAT' STO CLLCD "Finding appointments" 1 DISP WHILE @ GDALRM IFERR RCLALARM THEN DROP 0 ELSE DUP 1 GET DFLIP DUP SDAT \>= SWAP ENDAT \<= AND IF THEN 1 ELSE DROP 0 END END REPEAT @ MKSTR DUP 1 GETI 3 ROLLD GET TSTR 1 19 SUB " " + SWAP 3 GET DUP IF TYPE 2 == THEN + ELSE DROP "Control Alarm" + END + "\010" + NXTALRM 1 + DUP 'NXTALRM' STO END 'APPTSTR' STO @ TOPC CLLCD "The data is ready.\010Press the appropriate\010key when you are\010ready." 1 DISP { "SEND" "" "" "" "" "ABRT" } MENU DO -1 WAIT IF DUP 11.1 == THEN DROP 'APPTSTR' IFERR CLLCD SEND THEN DROP CLLCD "I/O Problem\010Check configuration\010and retry." 1 DISP ELSE CLLCD "Successful transfer" 1 DISP END 3 WAIT 16.1 END UNTIL 16.1 == END CLEAR \>> DFLIP @ called by OVERALL (3) @ Change MM.DDYYYY to YYYYMMDD for numerical comparisons. \<< 100 * DUP IP SWAP FP 100000000 * + \>> APPTS @ called by DOKEY @ APPTS key: show appointments for selected day, allow operations. \<< 3 DROPN IF @ FAPPTS DSTR FINDALARM DUP IF THEN @ ALRM\-> 'NXTALRM' STO DO NXTALRM IFERR RCLALARM THEN DROP DSTR 1 + 1 \->LIST ELSE OBJ\-> DROP NXTALRM 5 \->LIST NXTALRM 1 + 'NXTALRM' STO END UNTIL DUP 1 GET DSTR \=/ END DROP ELSE DROP END DEPTH THEN DEPTH ROLL @ APS\->MS DEPTH 1 SWAP START @ OAL\->MSG DUP 5 GET SWAP DUP 3 GET SWAP 2 GET DUP IP DUP IF 10 < THEN "0" SWAP + END ":" + SWAP FP 100 * IP DUP IF NOT THEN DROP "00" END + " " + SWAP + SWAP 2 \->LIST DEPTH ROLL NEXT @ PSTMSG PG DO -1 WAIT @ DOK5 and DOKX { 91.3 OFF 25.1 { DROP DEPTH ROLL PG 25.1 } 35.1 { DROP DEPTH ROLLD PG 35.1 } 11.1 \<< DROP 2 GETI SWAP DROP DUP RCLALARM SWAP DELALARM DUP BEG IF 1 FC? THEN STOALARM ELSE DROP END 1 CF 16.1 \>> 12.1 { DROP 2 GETI SWAP DROP # 18CEAh SYSEVAL # E402h SYSEVAL # 3244h SYSEVAL # E80Dh SYSEVAL # 172Bh SYSEVAL DROP2 12.1 } 13.1 { DROP 2 GET DELALARM 16.1 } 14.1 { DROP DSTR TIME 100 * IP 100 / "" 0 4 \->LIST BEG 1 CF 16.1 } 15.1 \<< DROP @ PRVW CLLCD DUP 1 GET DUP SIZE 7 SWAP SUB DUP SIZE 1 SWAP FOR x DUP 1 22 SUB x 22 / 1 + DISP IF DUP SIZE 22 > THEN DUP SIZE 23 SWAP SUB END 22 STEP DROP { "" "" "" "" "" "RTRN" } MENU -1 WAIT DROP PG 15.1 \>> } IF DEPTH 7 > THEN { 25.2 { DROP 1 5 START DEPTH ROLL NEXT PG 25.2 } 35.2 { DROP 1 5 START DEPTH ROLLD NEXT PG 35.2 } } + END DUP2 SWAP POS IF DUP THEN 1 + GET EVAL ELSE DROP2 END UNTIL 16.1 == END CLEAR ELSE @ NOAPPTS DO @ NOHEAD DSTR TIME TSTR 1 12 SUB " " SWAP + " NO APPTS YET FOR" CLLCD 1 DISP 3 DISP @ SETNO { "" "" "" "ADD" "" "RTN" } MENU -1 WAIT @ DOK3 CASE DUP 91.3 == THEN OFF END DUP 14.1 == THEN DROP DSTR 8 "" 0 4 \->LIST BEG 16.1 END END UNTIL 16.1 == END END \>> PG @ called by APPTS (5) @ Put the (first 5) appointments on the stack in the display, @ and show the menu. \<< @ MHEAD DSTR TIME TSTR 1 12 SUB " " SWAP + "Appts and meetings for" CLLCD 1 DISP 2 DISP @ SETU3 { "EDIT" "ACK" "DEL" "ADD" "VIEW" "RTN" } MENU DEPTH 5 MIN @ POSTX \-> d \<< 1 d FOR i DUP 1 GET i 2 + DISP DEPTH ROLL 1 STEP 1 d START DEPTH ROLLD NEXT @ TSK1 LCD\-> DUP { # 0h # Fh } { # 87h # 17h } SUB NEG { # 0h # Fh } SWAP REPL \->LCD \>> \>> BEG @ called by DOKEY, APPTS @ ADD or EDIT key: edit a new or existing appointment. \<< DO @ RFSH CLLCD 1 GETI "Date " SWAP + 1 DISP GETI "Hour " SWAP + 2 DISP GETI "Msg. " SWAP + 3 DISP DROP "Press a softkey first" 5 DISP @ SETU4 { "DATE" "TIME" "MSG" "RPT" "SET" "ABRT" } MENU -1 WAIT @ DOK4 { 91.3 OFF 11.1 { DROP DATTE 11.1 } 12.1 { DROP HOUR 12.1 } 13.1 { DROP MSSG 13.1 } 14.1 { REPEET 14.1 } 15.1 { DROP STOALARM DROP 1 SF 15.1 } 16.1 { 1 CF SWAP DROP } } DUP2 SWAP POS IF DUP THEN 1 + GET EVAL ELSE DROP2 1000 .2 BEEP END UNTIL DUP 15.1 == SWAP 16.1 == OR END \>> MSSG @ called by BEG @ MSG key: change text message for appointment. \<< { } MENU 3 GETI SWAP DROP \Ga 2 \->LIST "Message:\010Then press ENTER." SWAP INPUT 3 SWAP PUT \>> HOUR @ called by BEG @ TIME key: change time for appointment. \<< { } MENU 2 GETI SWAP DROP \->STR -1 2 \->LIST "Hour (HH.MM):\010Then press ENTER." SWAP INPUT OBJ\-> 2 SWAP PUT \>> DATTE @ called by BEG @ DATE key: change date for appointment. \<< DO { } MENU 1 GETI SWAP DROP \->STR -1 2 \->LIST "Date (MM.DDYYYY):\010Then press ENTER." SWAP INPUT OBJ\-> UNTIL DUP DUP DUP IP DUP 0 > SWAP 13 < AND SWAP FP 100 * IP 32 < AND SWAP 100 * FP 10000 * 1990 \>= AND DUP IF NOT THEN SWAP DROP CLLCD "Bad date. The rules:\010\0100 < MM < 13\0100 < DD < 32\0101990 \<= YYYY\010\010Press a top row key" 1 DISP -1 WAIT DROP END END 1 SWAP PUT \>> REPEET @ called by BEG @ RPT key: change repeat specification for appointment. @ (Note: this function expects no number to be entered if NONE will @ be pressed on the next menu.) \<< { } MENU "Repeat #. Then ENTER." "" INPUT OBJ\-> { "Week" "Day" "Hour" "Min" "Sec" "None" } MENU "Now press repeat unit" 3 DISP -1 WAIT { 11.1 4954521600 12.1 707788800 13.1 29491200 14.1 491520 15.1 8192 } DUP ROT POS IF DUP THEN 1 + GET * ELSE DROP2 0 @ this assumes no input END SWAP DROP 4 SWAP PUT \>> RDOSCR @ called by YRMIN, YRPLS, MOMIN, MOPL @ Change current date and display the new month. \<< SETUP2 MNTH LCD\-> RC HLIT2 DUP \->LCD SWAP \>> HLIT2 @ called by RDOSCR, PWEEK (2), NWEEK (2), DYMIN (2), DYPL (2) @ Toggle the highlighting of the current date in the calendar. \<< COL R\->B ROW R\->B 2 \->LIST DUP2 COL 12 + R\->B ROW 8 + R\->B 2 \->LIST SUB NEG REPL \>> RC @ called by RDOSCR, PWEEK, NWEEK, DYMIN, DYPL @ Update ROW and COL for the current date in the calendar. \<< Dy ADR + 7 / FP 126 * 1 - 'COL' STO Dy ADR + 7 / IP 1 + 8 * 1 - 'ROW' STO \>> SETUP2 @ called by REFRESH, RDOSCR @ Set DSTR, update Mo, Dy, Yr, Day1, and ADR. \<< DUP 'DSTR' STO DUP @ MMYY DUP IP 'Mo' STO FP 100 * DUP IP 'Dy' STO FP 10000 * \->STR 'Yr' STO DUP @ DFRST DUP IP SWAP FP 100 * FP 1 + 100 / + TIME TSTR 1 3 SUB 'Day1' STO @ CADR { "SUN" "MON" "TUE" "WED" "THU" "FRI" "SAT" } Day1 POS 2 - 'ADR' STO \>> MNTH @ called by REFRESH, RDOSCR @ Put the current month in the display. \<< @ HEADR { "January " "February " "March " "April " "May " "June " "July " "August " "September " "October " "November " "December " } Mo GET Yr + " " SWAP + 1 DISP DSTR LMNTH Day1 @ MN \-> n d \<< " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31" { "SAT" "FRI" "THU" "WED" "TUE" "MON" "SUN" } d POS 3 * 2 - n 3 * 17 + SUB 2 7 FOR i DUP i 2 - 21 * 1 + DUP 19 + SUB i DISP NEXT DROP \>> \>> LMNTH @ called by NWEEK, DYPL, MNTH @ Compute the number of days in the month. \<< DUP IP SWAP 100 * FP 100 / .01 + + DUP 1 + DUP IF 13 > THEN FP 1.000001 + END DDAYS \>> SRCSTR "" @ used in CHKALRM, GETSTR MYFLGS { # 90400000FF0h # 0h } @ used by APPT (not in APDIR) END @ APDIR