EC is an address sorted entries catalog. It requires Jazz V1.0, RPL.TAB and DIS.TAB. For speed DIS.TAB format changed slightly, add a 5-nibble terminator to the end of DIS.TAB. For example: :: HXS 5 00000 &$ ; Keys: Up/Dn LS + Up/Dn RS + Up/Dn F/alpha = Find (case independant) NXT = next match PREV = prev match ENTER = push entry to stack LS+ENTER= push address to stack RS+ENTER= push name to stack ON = exit 0-9 = go to address (use keys 0-9A-F for further accuracy) +/- = beep on/off EEX = grep mode (using find string) After this up/down can be very slow, use wisely Right = Call DOB and view with VV On my calculators VV is a viewer stored to ROMPTR 4C2 3. You can change the call at the end of EC freely. If the viewer drops the string you must remove the DROP command from EC. Don't forget to clear flag 4 when changing the RPL with DISS command. EC is a hacking tool, thus it uses address sorted tables. A name sorted table is planned for ED.