Documentation for X BASE V2.21 Jun95 By Fab (HpFx) -------- 1) What is XBASE : XBASE is simply a DATA BASE program In this package , there are : XB22 -> The program XBFILE -> An utility (not needed for XB22) HLP.XB -> A Fast Help 2) What can do XB ? With XBASE you can (of course) Store text with a Topic (like any Data Base program...) you can CRYPT your data ... ( if you want ) you can LINK Topics beetwen themselfs and of course Modify/Erase a Topic 3) Runnig XB ... When you run XB for the first time ... it will come an 'ERROR' ... it's not really an error but it signal to you that the File isn't Exist.... And it will create . then you can re-run it... When you run XB (not for the 1st time) it Will ask you a TOPIC If you want to create a topic, enter a topic name (for example: TEL (for a directory of phone ) ), XB won't found any topic for TEL and will propose to you to create it, choose Y (yes) ,and enter your text for this.... (for example: Bob : 01 23 45 67 ...) after that, XB 'll propose to you to crypt the text (if you want to do this choose a KEY (for example 5 or x ...) else press ENTER ) and that all ... you topic is saved. How to see a topic : run XB, it 'll ask to you a TOPIC, do TEL . if this topic is crypted it 'll ask to you a Key Uncrypt ( place the good key (rem: there is a choose of 1 on 255) ) and XB 'll show to you the text for TEL press a key, and XB 'll propose to you "Modify / Quit" ( and "/ Del" if this topic is uncrypted) choose 'M' 'Q' (or 'D'). 'M' --> you can modify the text ... and the Key encrypt. 'D' --> you can erase the Topic (only if this topic is not crypted) 'Q' --> Quit of course... :) How to have a list of all Topic : When you run XB , it 'll ask to you a TOPIC , place * , and you 'll see a list like this : TEL # CB -> this topic is crypted # PASSWORD -> this topic is crypted too the character '#' show the crypted topics In the MENU-LINE it 'll appear " 3 TP " " .1 KO " --> 3 Topics 0.100 KBytes 4) LINKED TOPIC ! In the text of a topic, you can include the name of another topic, then, when you see the 1st topic, XB ask to you if you want to see the 2nd topic.... for example: TOPIC : code TEXT : my private pswd is :azerty CB pass : &CB& TOPIC : CB TEXT : 0123 Now run XB, enter 'code' as topic, ok it will appear the text, press enter and XB will show "LINK :CB ? Y/N" at 8th line if you press Y it will show the topic CB Rem: in the 1st topic, the name of the 2nd topic had to be between '&' character ( LEFT SHIFT ENTER) Rem: if you want you can have the topic CB crypted , or code and CB, or code only ... all is possible You can have this : code ----> CB -----> others ----> More. In this version of XB (2.21) you can have only ONE linked topic per topic BUT in Next version ( i work on it now.. ) you 'll can have the number of topic as you want... and you will able to make real structure like : TEL --------> (#) PRIVATE -------> (#) FRIENDS | | LOVE | +----------> OTHERS | | +----------> GIRLS <----------------+ +---------> MYCLASS | | | +---------> OTHERSPHONES ADRSSLOVE<---+ etc... 5) REMs: XBFILE is a manager of files for XB22 Rem: the working file of XB22 is on the Hidden Dir of HOME (#15781 to access) XB22 is written in 100% RPL ! [:(] ( if any body want to translate it into ASM or Externals... ok do it , it'll help me for learning Externals... ) I'm NOT english , then i made a lot of faults language... xcuse my poor english and (for someones) my poor level of programation ! 6) contacts... You can contact me on IRC ( my nick: HpFx) of course i usualy join channel #HP48 , and sometime I go on #HellDream (channel of a good friend) the ONLY one channel where I am op ! Don't try to send my something by E-Mail (at my actualy adress: because I'll change very soon... ( at end of September 95 ) I hope you 'll appreciate X BASE and I thank you for triing it Bye!