Subject: DEC VT 52 Terminal Emulator for HP48SX Date: 29 Mar 91 21:47:44 GMT Organization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network Keywords: vt52 Lines: 448 The following is a DEC VT52 terminal emulator for the HP48SX. It emulates every vt52 command except for the Keypad mode (kind of redundant on the HP) and the special graphics characters (perhaps in a latter version). The one drawback, like other communication programs for the HP48, is speed. Because it is slow after the recieve buffer (which is 256 characters long) fills up, it looses the rest. Buffering the recieve buffer will not work since at 9600 baud the buffer fills up in about 3 hundredths of a second. Nevertheless Since fewer than 256 characters can fit on the screen at one time, it is functional. If enough interest shows, an assembly version could be written. Another possibility is to set the IOPAR to enable XON/XOFF. So far I have not been able to get this to work. Directions 1. execute the program 2. if you wish to do a file transfer, quit and do the usual Kermit transfer, then just run the program again to continue. Keyboard The keyboard of the HP48 was redefined as the following. 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D E F 1 a b c d e f ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E ^F G H I J K L 2 g h i j k l ^G ^H ^I ^J ^K ^L M N O P Q R 3 m n o p q r ^M ^N ^O ^P ^Q ^R S T U V W X 4 s t u v w x ^S ^T ^U ^V ^W ^X ENTER Y Z 5 ENTER y z DELETE BACKSPACE ENTER ^Y ^Z { < ( [ 6 ESCAPE 7 8 9 / \ } > ) ] CAPS LOCK $ % ^ & 7 SHIFT 4 5 6 * QUIT CHR(28) CHR(29) CHR(30) CHR(31) , ~ ` ' 8 CONTROL 1 2 3 - BREAK ; @ # " = ? _ | 9 ATTENTION 0 . SPACE + CHR(0) ! TAB : The labels above the numbered row is the left shift key. Labels on the same line as the numbers are the default values and labels under the numbered lines are the right shift values. The numbers are the row and column of the keyboard. Quitting by pressing ON leaves the port open and is not necessary even to stay online. All 128 ASCII characters are accessible from the keyboard. I suggest getting a template and writing the above table on it for easiest use. Send suggestions, comments, complains to: _______________________________________________________________________________ Dave Jansen | INTERNET: Electrical Engineering | BITNET: Purdue University | UUCP: {purdue, pur-ee}!!eldorado Cut here 8<-------------------------------------------------------------------- -- P.O.W. * M.I.A. -- You are not forgotten _______________________________________________________________________________ Dave Jansen | INTERNET: