Date: Tue, 11 Dec 1990 16:12 CST Subject: DT48 Terminal Emulator Lines: 172 For some reason, my previous upload of DTE48 lost some characters. Let's try it again... A few people have been asking for DTE48, a terminal emulator program for the 48SX. Unless someone else out there has created a program with the same name, here is what you have been asking for... ********************************************************************* * DOCUMENTATION FILE FOR DTE48 V1.02 * ********************************************************************* DTE48 is a Dumb Terminal Emulator program for the HP48SX. "Dumb" implies that the terminal cannot be read by a remote system or respond to inquiry commands like a VT100. At least 3 other "terminal" programs have been posted for the 48SX. All have various limitations. This one is not necesarily better than any of the others. Version 1.02 differs from previous versions in that incomming carriage returns are replaced with an ASCII space before display. A more generic SRCHREPL (search and replace) string function has been sustituted for the previous FILTER function. Note that SRCHREPL requires MULTI which is also provided. Incomming linefeed characters are stripped! The main program, DTE48, can be modified so as to replace linefeeds with a space or any other character. FEATURES -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Tramsmits upper and lower case as well as all of the ASCII control characters. 2.) Characters are displayed AS THEY ARRIVE, not only when a full line is available. 3.) The screen can be paused at any time. This assumes the trans- mitting system handles XON/XOFF protocol and will not time-out and start resending!! 4.) 7 line by 22 character scrolling display. LIMITATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Probably not 100% reliable at 9600 baud. 2.) Control characters (ASCII 1 thru 26) are not processed and are displayed as a dot. Checking each individual character so as to process tabs, carriage returns and linefeeds slows it down too much. An assembly language version is needed. FILES -------------------------------------------------------------------- There are five. DTE48 is the main executable. KEYMAP is a string used for keycode translation. TOGF is a flag toggling function. SRCHREPL strips or replaces characters in strings. MULTI performs an operation till the results no longer change. Place the files in the directory of your choice. FILE BYTES CHECKSUM (HEX) -------- ----- -------------- DTE48 636.0 # 81C8 SRCHREPL 145.5 # FD08 KEYMAP 304.5 # 5BFC TOGF 38.5 # 921E MULTI 56.0 # 8FCF RUNNING IT -------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup the 48SX I/O for the required baud rate and enable XON/XOFF protocol. If you don't know what that means, read the manual! Hit DTE48 to run. Here is an example of the IOPAR list with XON/XOFF enabled: { 4800 0 1 1 3 3 } Characters will be displayed starting on the bottom line and lines will scroll upwards as needed. KEY UNSHIFTED RESULT LEFT SHIFTED RESULT RIGHT SHIFTED RESULT -------- ---------------- ------------------- -------------------- A a A ^A (ASCII 1) B b B ^B (ASCII 2) C c C ^C (ASCII 3)... Z z Z ^Z (ASCII 26) 1 1 ! 2 2 @ 3 3 # 4 4 $ 5 5 % 6 6 ^ 7 7 & 8 8 * 9 9 ( 0 0 ) * * , - - _ (underscore) + + = . . < SPC space > <- backspace delete ENTER carriage return linefeed DEL QUIT QUIT Hitting the ALPHA key will pause the display. Hit it again to continue. The left shift and right shift keys are active for one keystroke only. All keys not defined above generate a space. DISCLAIMERS ------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTHING is guaranteed. I may or may not provide new and/or assembly language versions. Use it at your own risk. Hack away at it and repost only if you give me credit for the original version. Kevin Jessup 9118 N. 85th St Milwaukee, WI 53224 Office: (414) 362-2020 Home: (414) 355-9752 Here is the ASCII string for the DTE48 directory object. Use ASC-> to convert it... [CUT HERE] [CUT HERE] Make sure all carriage return characters (0d hex) are removed from the ASCII string before you attempt to checksum it or convert it using ASC-> . Checksum for ASCII string (string on stack): D25F hex Byte count: 2508.5 This is my third attempt at uploading this bugger. I am using procomm+ in ASCII upload mode via the 2400 baud HPBBS. I hope it works this time!