Tom Metcalf: >>communications program for 48SX? In article <> d0evert@dtek.chalmers .se (Mats Olsson) writes: >DCSG@OSU-20.IRCC.OHIO-STATE.EDU (DCSG) writes: > >>Help! A long time ago (3-4 months), someone posted a terminal program >>for the 48SX. I copied it but since then my hard drive has hiccuped and >>no more program. If the author is watching, please re-post the program. >>If anybody else has a copy, pleeeeeease drag it out of your archives and >>post it. Thanks in advance. >> Wally Hallas >> technixion >> technision > >That program seems to be very interesting for me, as well!! > >Mats Olsson > >Chalmers institute of Technology >Sweden > > > > > > tech. I saved the original posting for the terminal program so here it is. I have converted the keys variable to ASCII with ->ASC. T. Metcalf Subject: Terminal emulator Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711 Lines: 189 In article <> kramer@ohstpy.mps.ohio-stat writes: >Does anyone know of a dumb terminal program for the HP48sx? Here's the one I wrote and used for a while. It's pretty slow, but it works ok. The functions are mostly in the comments, and you might need to know that orange shift = shift, blue shift = control. The only reason I'm posting this is that I've read and answered several requests like this in the past few days. I f anyone has any questions, just email. I'm having a quite boring summer, so I don't have anything better to do. Anyway, here it is. I have a feeling news may not handle the keys file too well; I broke it up[ into several lines, but it should be 1 long one. The control characters will most likely screw something up, but I'm too lazy to fix it (since I don't have a 48 currently anyway). Here's how, though: replace all the control characters with a sequence of the form \###, where ### is the ascii (or hpascii, at least) code of the control character. cntrl-a, for example, is \001, cntrl-M is \013, etc. Good luck.