Subject: v02i015: suite3d - Suite3D (Graphing/viewing utilities) v2.0, Part01/01 BEGIN_RDME Suite3D.rdm _Suite3D Version 2.0 Additions and Changes_ In addition to the slopefield, pseudo-contour, oblique perspective, Phong-Shaded, and movie plotting capabilities, version 2.0 introduces *Major Feature* POSTSCRIPT(TM) output for all the graphing routines in a form suitable for editing/viewing with Adobe Illustrator(TM), sending to a POSTSCRIPT printer, or including in a \special {\illustration} TeX(TM) command. Included is a PS-output version of the standard DRAW command. All the output is in terms of line segments, Bezier curves, and fill- regions so that it can be scaled to arbitrary size or printed at very high resolution without loss of smoothness. If you have ever wanted to produce high-quality function-graph illustrations with the flexibility that '48 provides, this is for you! (You might be able to tell that I'm pretty happy with this item.) *Significant Addition* (relatively) fast WIREFRAME graphing in oblique 3D perspective with adjustable grid spacing. *Easier View Switching* The 3D plotting parameters have been rearranged so that all the routines can compute an appropriate XRNG and YRNG from these. Once set, you can go from view to view with no manual adjustments. *Other Enhancements* A Movie single-step has been added so that you can easily step through a Movie frame-by-frame. All routines now use user-specified number of X-increments and Y-increments, as appropriate, so that the WIREFRAME grid, the lattice of slopefield segements, and number of Movie frames, etc. all references these numbers rather than being "hard coded" as in the earlier versions. END_RDME BEGIN_DOC Suite3D.doc @ Version 2.0 @ _Introduction_ The programs contained in this document comprise a suite of 3D graphing/viewing utilities for the HP-48 (an HP-28 version will be forthcoming provided sufficient interest.) We had several requirements to consider in creating these programs. Our aims were that they be (1) purely user code, (2) relatively short, and (3) psychologically effective. Aims (1) and (2) are due to our target audience of educators, many of whom have little contact with technology beyond their use of the HP-48 or HP-28. We expect that, in many situations, one user will obtain the code in printed form, enter it into their machine, and transmit it to others via the infrared I/O. In exploring visualization techniques on a variety of machines we found that increasing "realism" (read: ray-traced, Phong-shaded, hidden-line, etc.) in the graphical presentation of functions of two variables did not necessarily correlate with increasing ease of comprehension. These programs represent the results of some of these experiments (including time-to-completion as an important factor). We invite you to try them out and experiment yourself. All suggestions, additions, corrections, insights, commentary, and criticisms are welcome. _NO WARRANTY_ This work is provided on an "as is" basis. Hewlett-Packard Co. provides no warranty whatsoever, either express or implied regarding the work, including warranties with respect to its merchantability or fitness for any purpose whatsoever. _Copyright_ Copyright (C), 1991, Hewlett-Packard Co. Permission to copy all or part of this work is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for resale (excepting nominal copying fees) and the _NO WARRANTY_ and this copyright notice are included verbatim. Other permissions can be arranged by contacting the author. _Correspondence_ Correspondence on Suite3D suite should be sent to Charles Patton at one of the following addresses: snail-mail: M.S. 5U-L9 Hewlett-Packard Co. 1000 N.E. Circle Blvd. Corvallis, OR 97330 e-mail: (for Internet hosts) hplabs!hpcvrs!charliep (for UUCP hosts) _Organization_ Analogous to the built-in plotting routines, all the Suite3D programs assume that the function of interest is stored in EQ. Further, they assume that the function is represented as an expression in the variables 'X' and 'Y' (e.g. u,v -> sin(u+v) is represented as 'SIN(X+Y)' in EQ). Insure that 'X' and 'Y' are formal (no variables 'X' and 'Y' along the current path). The viewing region and other Suite3D plotting parameters are stored in the sub-directory, VPAR. VPAR contains the variables: Xleft and Xright, controlling the width of the view-volume, Yfar and Ynear, controlling the depth of the view-volume, Zlow and Zhigh, controlling the height of the view volume, Xe, Ye, and Ze, the coordinates of the eye-point, Nx and Ny, the number of X- and Y-increments desired, and hidden the flag indicating that hidden-line plotting should be used in the Yview plotter. VPAR was implemented as a sub-directory so that the REVIEW key can be used to examine the state of these variables in a way which reminds the user of their meaning. Other than VPAR, the programs here are organized into a single directory for convenience. Inter-dependence of the programs and other variables is noted in the program description. _Oversized PICTs_ All of the programs seem to work reasonably well with arbitrary sized PICT grobs. However, ShapeToShade only draws to the upper-left-hand-corner of the grob, and Movie only shows the display-sized region of the grob (what else could it do?) The POSTSCRIPT plotting routines scale their results to the size of the default PICT grob, but this should pose few problems. _Descriptions of the Programs_ SlopeField: The SlopeField program plots a lattice of line segments whose slopes represent the function value at their centerpoint. Using SlopeField to plot F(X,Y) allows your eye to pick out integral curves of the differential equation dy/dx=F(x,y). It is quite useful in understanding where the "arbitrary constant" in anti-derivatives comes from. The number of lattice points per row is determined by Nx and the number of lattice points per column is determined by Ny. The input region sampled is given by Xleft < X < Xright and Ynear < Y < Yfar. psContour: The psContour program (pseudo-contour) program uses SlopeField to produce a fast contour plot of the current function. By plotting the direction field perpendicular to the gradient of the function it allows your eye to pick out the integral curves (contours) without actually plotting them. The apparent contours are evenly spaced visually and so give no information on how steep the graph is at any particular point. The number of lattice points per row is determined by Nx and the number of lattice points per column is determined by Ny. The input region sampled is given by Xleft < X < Xright and Ynear < Y < Yfar. YView: The YView program provides an oblique-view, perspective, 3D surface plot (viewing toward increasing Y). This produces a sequence of plots of the function along Y=constant lines in the input domain. These plots are perspective-projected onto the view-plane relative to the eye point. In overhead view: Yfar +----------------+ . | | . | | Xleft | /\ |Xright . | / \ | . . | . . |. +----------------+ . . . . Ynear . . . . . . . ---------.----..---.--------------------- view-plane . . . . . . * eye-point (Xe,Ye,Ze) |<- XRNG ->| The same picture holds with Zlow replacing Xleft, Zhigh replacing Xright, and YRNG replacing XRNG (and turning your head 90 degrees to the right.) In short, Ynear and Yfar and Ny determine the Y-inputs sampled; Xleft, Xright, and the eye-point determine the XRNG; Zlow, Zhigh, and the eye-point determine the YRNG. This computation is performed by the utility, SetWindow. This is a simple "divide-by-depth" method for perspective plotting where the viewplane is always 1 unit from the viewpoint and is parallel to the x-z plane. Since the perspective transformation in the case can be implemented by a simple change of coordinates, plotting individual sections is no slower than ordinary plots. If 'hidden' is non-zero, each plot of a sampled point will erase the column of pixels below it. Since the curves are plotted back-to-front, this results in a hidden-line plot of the surface. It works best if RES is #1 or #2 and connected-mode is on (CNCT.) Note: To abort this routine, press the [ON] key and then press the [ENTER] key. WIREFRAME: The WIREFRAME program plots an oblique-perspective view of a wire-frame model of the surface with Nx vertices in each row and Ny vertices in each column. It calls SetWindow to set the XRNG and YRNG and uses much the same technique as Yview. The sampled region is determined by Xleft, Xright, Ynear, and Yfar. ShapeToShade: The ShapeToShade program plots the function as a Phong-shaded figure viewed from above with a light source from above, that is, shaded according to the angle the tangent plane makes with the incident light source. It assumes that the variable DPAR contains sixteen 4x4 GROBS to serve as the dithering pattern. The dither patterns included are probably not the best possible: insights along these lines are most welcome. The variables Xleft, Xright, Yfar, and Ynear determine the inputs sampled. Movie: The Movie program plots Ny cross-sections of the function plot varying the Y-value from Yfar to Ynear. The viewing window is determined by Xleft, Xright, Zlow, and Zhigh. Having plotted these frames, it calls the utility program, uSMOV (utility-show-movie), to play them back in repeated sequence. Note: To abort this routine in the plotting phase, press the [ON] key and then press the [ENTER] key. To end the movie press any key (e.g. [ENTER]). uSMOV: The uSMOV (utility show-movie) program takes an alternating sequence of grobs and descriptors (with <2n> on the top of the stack) from the stack and shows them in sequence, thus producing a movie effect. Stop the show with any key press but [ON]. SSTMovie: After stopping Movie or uSMOV, you can use SSTMovie to step through the sequence of movie frames. To show the next frame, press any key but [ENTER] or [ON]. Press [ENTER] to quit. SetWindow: This utility maps the view volume and eye-point coordinates into the appropriate XRNG and YRNG values for perspective plotting (see the picture in the YView description.) It also gets all the plotting parameters onto the stack. _The POSTSCRIPT Drawing Utilities_ Since the PS utilities take up a fair amount of space, and are not of immediate use to someone without Adobe Illustrator and/or a POSTSCRIPT printer, all of the above programs have been designed to work properly even if the PS utility set is not installed. If this is your situation, simply delete the section of the Suite3D listing starting at the comment, @ Begin POSTSCRIPT Stuff @, before you send the file to the '48, otherwise, read on. When POSTSCRIPT Output Mode is switched on (using PSTOGGLE,) all of the plotting routines above will, in addition to their normal function, accumulate POSTSCRIPT commands corresponding to what they were attempting to plot on the '48 display. These are saved in a sequence of variables, PSOUT, PSOUT&, PSOUT&&, etc. Although the output is simply ASCII text saved as '48 character strings, it is broken up into at-most-4Kbyte chunks so that it is easier to handle on the '48. When this text is inserted into a "boilerplate" file (described below) the resulting file can be sent to a POSTSCRIPT printer, or edited/viewed in the Adobe Illustrator, or compatible, POSTSCRIPT Drawing program. _Descriptions of the User-intended Programs__ PSTOGGLE: When executed, this routine switches between normal (no-PS output) and PS-output definitions of the basic graphics routines (that is, draw, line, and tile) used in the other Suite3D programs. The new state ("PS is ON" or "PS is OFF") is displayed on completion of the routine. PSRESET: This routine should be used to simply clear any leftover data in the output variables PSOUT, PSOUT&, etc. making room for a new run. _Using the PS Capabilities_ _The Boilerplate File_ To effectively use the PS output from the '48 you need to have a "boilerplate" POSTSCRIPT file in which you can insert your '48 output (it can even reside on the '48 if you have room .. in this case you can have your '48 talk directly to a POSTSCRIPT printer ..) The easiest way to get one is to create a new illustration in Illustrator with no actual drawing but with the Fill set to NONE, the Line Width set to, say, .5, and the Line Color set to 100% BLACK. Save this as a POSTSCRIPT (i.e. text) file or some such name. Open the resulting file with a text editor so you can see what it looks like. There are two regions of interest. The first is the line near the top of the file that looks like %%BoundingBox:x1 y1 x2 y2 where x1, x2, y1, and y2 are integers. You should change these to %%BoundingBox:0 0 131 64 While this is not strictly necessary, it will allow you to include the '48 produced illustration directly in a TeX document an have the size computed correctly. The next region of interest is near the end of file and begins with %%Note: and ends with %%Trailer Clear out anything between these two (this is the region where the '48 output will be inserted) and save the resulting file. This will be your "boilerplate" file. _Creating the Output_ This part is quite easy. After you have found a nice view with one of the graphing utilities (with PS output turned off to speed things up) set the RES quite high ( #13d RES [ENTER] will do nicely ) and numeric display format quite small ( 2 FIX [ENTER] seems pretty good ) to save on room, use PSRESET to clear the variables (if you want to get rid of a previous session) and PSTOGGLE to activate PS mode. Now re-active the chosen plotting routine and let it finish. When it is finished, transfer the contents of all the non-empty PSOUT variables (in ASCII mode, please) in order (PSOUT, PSOUT&, PSOUT&&, etc.) into the region of the boilerplate file noted above. Save the resulting file under a new name (to preserve your boilerplate file) and you are ready to send it to a POSTSCRIPT printer, include it in a TeX, or muck around with it in a POSTSCRIPT drawing program. _RAM Requirements, etc._ The routines require very different amounts of RAM (corresponding directly with the output size.) A reasonable psContour results in under 4K of output while a ShapeToShade can result in nearly 40K of output. The other routines fall between these two (with reasonable settings for Nx, Ny, RES, and FIX.) If desired, one could modify the PSADDTO routine (see below) to simply send accumulated data out over one of the datacomm ports thus passing off the space requirements to the machine at the other end of the line. _What's Been Tried_ I've used the PS output in the form discussed above with equally good results in Illustrator88 on a Mac IIx, direct printing to an Apple LaserWriter, in a Textures TeX file, and in Adobe Illustrator 1.1 under Windows 3.0. POSTSCRIPT, Adobe Illustrator, and Illustrator88 are trademarks of Adobe Systems Corporation; Textures is a trademark of Blue Sky Research, Inc.; Apple LaserWriter is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.; Windows is a trademark of MicroSoft Corporation; TeX is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society. _Descriptions of the Utilities_ PSTILE: This utility takes a screen location (as #pixel_row #pixel_column) followed by two unused parameters and a gray-scale value in the range [0,1], returns these unchanged to the stack and outputs the PS code to draw a filled-in 4x4 square at the corresponding location and with the corresponding gray-scale fill. PSADDTO: This utility takes a string off the stack and adds it to the current PS output variable, checking for overflow of the 4000 character limit and starting a new output variable if the limit is exceeded. PSDRAW: Draws the current EQ (assumed to be a single expression) and outputs a PS representation of the curve drawn as a connected sequence of Bezier curves. PSLINE: Takes a pair of complex numbers representing the endpoints of a line, draws the line on the screen and outputs the corresponding PS line drawing command. CURRENTOUT: A variable containing the name of the current PS output variable ('PSOUT', 'PSOUT&', 'PSOUT&&', etc.) PSCO: Takes a complex number and returns, as a string, the corresponding PS coordinate value. PSCOPAIR: Takes a pair of complex numbers representing the third and fourth of four Bezier curve control points and returns these as a string representing the PS cross-over sequence of a Bezier curve. END_DOC BYTES: #1A05h 7789 BEGIN_RPL Suite3D END_RPL