Subject: cool menu key program Date: 16 Dec 91 21:07:10 GMT Organization: University of BC, Electrical Engineering Lines: 132 This is a very simple program, but also very useful. It uses Rick Grevelle's TDIR program to extend the menu system of the HP48. Rick's TDI program lets you define custom menus with sub menus in them, just like when you press the MATH key, you get a bunch of sub-menus to pick. I haven't added too much, but the functionality is improved. Now you can define a key for this program, and even during edit mode, you can hit your user key (in USR mode) and the program will run, and bring up a nifty menu that you can define for yourself. To use: download this directory, and then run ASC-> on MKEY and TDIR. To be useful, move these programs into your home directory. RCL MKEY onto the stack, and ASN (assign) it to a key. Since I don't have a printer, the key left-shift math or blue-shift math is very convenient, but any other unused key will do. After you assign the key, you can PURGE MKEY, or keep it around for back-up. When you press the assigned key in USR mode, it will recall the list MNU, and show the menu/submenus. MNU and TDIR must be in the path. I have included a sample menu, you can remove the bits that aren't useful. Be sure to follow the syntax (it is similar to the CST menu format) if you don't you will get very wierd menus (DON'T press the menus if it looks weird!, just re-edit the MNU list to see what you did wrong) One very handy sub-menu I have pre-defined for you is a non-keyboard CHARACTER sub-menu. There are many characters in the character set that you can't enter with a simlpe key-stroke (especially when you are editing a string). This sub-menu defines all the keys that are not available on the keyboard. Just press the key you defined, press the CHAR sub menu, and then you can enter any of these wierd characters very easily! Have fun. send email to if you have questions. John Paul Morrison. I have tested this thoroughly, but since it uses mostly undocumented features of the HP48, I won't gaurantee the program.