Date: Fri, 9 Mar 90 16:52:29 -0500 Subject: hp28s Here is an easy to use expanded plotting program that works very much like the DRAW found in PLOT MENU. To use the program simply store the expression to be plotted in EQ and enter the number of displays by which you wish to expand in level 1 of the stack. Once the program begins, it will plot one display at a time up the y-axis. After each display is plotted the program will stop and allow you to digitize or create an image string . Press ON in order to continue plotting the next display. If at any you wish to stop the plotting of a display, simply press on to halt,and press ON a second time to continue plotting the next display. If at any time you wish to abort the program during the plotting of a display press ON three times. Note that the program will respect the PPAR of the user in such a manner that will allow for the expansion of any valid PMIN and PMAX. Tshortened to 104 bytes. Let me know any thoughts you might have on possible improvements. Affably, Rick Grevelle 'SDRW' << # 241AAh SYSEVAL 3 DROPN - IM ABS -> ppar height << 1 - -2 / DUP NEG FOR frame frame height * (0,1) * CENTR # 249C9h SYSEVAL # 1FF0Ah SYSEVAL ppar # 242A2h SYSEVAL STO NEXT >> >> P.S. The SYSEVAL addresses used here will not crash your memory. --- End of forwarded message from uunet!SIGMA.TAMU.EDU!FTG0673