ASTA@DULRUU51: matrix and list handling prgs for the HP48 Hello 48-Users, This file contains some programs which handle with arrays and lists. Short decsription: ------------------ A<-->L array to list and reverse This program converts an array to the corresponding list and viceversa, eg: [[ 1 2 ] {{ 1 2 } [ 3 4 ] <--> { 3 4 } [ 5 6 ] { 5 6 }} [ 3.5 -8 ] <--> { 3.5 -8 } The format of the list must of course "looks" like an array, say a list of list of numbers, each sublist with the same length. trn Transponse A generic transpose function for matrices and lists. The list must have the format of a n*m-matrix, but is allowed to contain any object. {{ 'foo' 'bar' 1.234 } {{ 'foo' << swap >> } { << swap >> { } "!" }} <--> { { } 'bar' } { "!" 1.234 }} MOP Matrix Operation Revised 'MOP' (Matrix OPeration): A program, which executes any algebraic operation or program on every element of an 1 or 2 dimensional array. usage: ====== 2: 1: or MOP 2: 1: or MOP e.g.: ===== 2: [[ 1 2.3 ] [ -3 4.4 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] 1: 'LOG(SQR(X))-3' MOP 2: [[ 1 2.3 ] [ -3 4.4 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] 1: << IF X 1 < THEN X DUP R->C ELSE X END >> MOP 2: '&DAT' 1: 'INV(X)' MOP 2: '&DAT' 1: << X INV >> MOP The algebraic operation must have 'x' as argument. I know, this sucks, but calling by reference like 'MOP(INV()*3-2)' is not possible (or does anybody know a way ??) & := the Sigma-sign The name 'MOP' was created by Schrulli B. thanx ;-) V<-->M vector to matrix and reverse Converts a vector to a matrix and viceversa. [ -9 2.3 4 ] <---> [[ -9 2.3 4 ]] M->V matrix to vectors Another "OBJ->" command. It puts all vectors of a matrix to the stack: [[ 1 2.3 ] [ 1 2.3 ] [ -3 4.4 ] ---> [ -3 4.4 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] [ 1 -1.1 ] 3 V->M vectors to matrix The corresponding function to M->V It takes n vectors from the stack and builds one matrix. [ 1 2.3 ] [[ 1 2.3 ] [ -3 4.4 ] ---> [ -3 4.4 ] [ 1 -1.1 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] 3 GETR get a row from a matrix [[ 1 2.3 ] [ -3 4.4 ] ---> [ 1 2.3 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] 1 GETC get a column from a matrix [[ 1 2.3 ] [[ 1 ] [ -3 4.4 ] ---> [ -3 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] [ 1 ]] 1 DELR delete a row from a matrix [[ 1 2.3 ] [ -3 4.4 ] ---> [[ -3 4.4 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] [ 1 -1.1 ]] 1 DELC delete a collumn from a matrix [[ 1 2.3 ] [[ 2.3 ] [ -3 4.4 ] ---> [ 4.4 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] [ -1.1 ]] 1 PUTR put a row to a matrix Inserts or overwrites a vector into a matrix as a row. A positive row-number indicates inserting, a negative overwriting. [[ 1 2.3 ] [[ 0 0 ] [ -3 4.4 ] [ 1 2.3 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] ---> [ -3 4.4 ] 1 [ 1 -1.1 ]] [ 0 0 ] [[ 1 2.3 ] [[ 0 0 ] [ -3 4.4 ] ---> [ -3 4.4 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] [ 1 -1.1 ]] -1 [ 0 0 ] PUTC put a column to a matrix Inserts or overwrites a vector into a matrix as a column. A positive column-number indicates inserting, a negative overwriting. [[ 1 2.3 ] [[ 0 1 2.3 ] [ -3 4.4 ] ---> [ 0 -3 4.4 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] [ 0 1 -1.1 ]] 1 [ 0 0 0 ] [[ 1 2.3 ] [[ 0 0 ] [ -3 4.4 ] ---> [ 0 4.4 ] [ 1 -1.1 ]] [ 0 -1.1 ]] -1 [ 0 0 0 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | General Student Board | | | | c/o Ulli Horlacher | asta@dulruu51.bitnet | 50184::asta (DECnet/BelWUe) | | University of Ulm | ----------------------------------------------------| | D-7900 Ulm, Germany | "Waiting for the prompt" -Marillion | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------