(Comp.sys.hp48) Item: 1600 by ervin@pinbot.enet.dec.com [Joseph James Ervin] Subj: SOUNDER v1.0 (called SOUNDER.DIR on this disk) Date: 19 Aug 1992 [WARNING! This document is for the SOUNDER.DIR file, not the SOUNDER file. See SOUNDKIT.DOC for details about SOUNDER. -jkh-] At Last!!! Some _decent_ sound for the HP48. No longer are we limited to the simple tones and clicks which we have had to put up with for so long. Now we can have lasers, interesting alarms, explosions, noise, machine guns, and much, much more!!! ..how's that for an intro?. This post contains my current sound player, SOUNDER, as well as a sample of some of the sounds made possible by the sound player. SOUNDER should be stored in your home directory. SOUNDER is executed automatically when you execute one of the sound objects in the supplied directory. Executing SOUNDER directly will produce the "Bad argument type" message. To use the sounds, simply execute the sound object corresponding to the sound you want. In other words, if you want to hear an explosion, just press the menu key labeled "EXPL". The sound objects themselves contain the actual sound definition. The SOUNDER object contains the code that reads the sound definition and then generates the actual sound. The sound objects may be executed from your normal RPL programs, so you can now include these sounds into your favorite programs and alarms. Using the sound player, new sounds are extremely easy to create from ML using the Star assembler. At some future time an RPL sound editor will be released, allowing users to create SOUNDER sound objects from the HP48 keyboard. If anyone wants to volunteer, I would be glad to provide the source code and any assistance. It's not a big job, but I don't know when I'll be able to get around to it. If people want any custom sounds created, I would be glad to give it a try. Just send me a description of what you want. Furthermore, if you have the Star assembler, I'd be glad to send you the sources to allow you to make your own sounds. You don't need to know anything about ML programming to make your own sounds, but you will need to be able to run the Star assembler, preferably on a PC. [Note: I took up Joe on his offer. Using his package, I created a few new sound effects; see YOW on this disk. -jkh-] [Later note: See Fatri's SOUNDKIT.LIB library on this disk for a method of making SOUNDER sound effects right on the HP48! -jkh-] Please send mail to "ervin@pinbot.enet.dec.com" if you are interested. Regards, >>>Joe Ervin