FETCH, a Goodies Disk Index Hunter, by Joe Horn Searches through Steve Thomas' Goodies Disk Index for any word. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Mini-instructions: At DOS prompt, type FETCH ³ ³ and then whatever you want to hunt for. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The search text is not case-sensitive; it doesn't matter whether it's in capital letters or lowercase letters. FETCH is great for answering questions like "What Disk is HYDE.LIB on?" or "Is there anything on the Goodies Disks about Ulam's Conjecture?" FETCH HYDE and FETCH ULAM is all it takes! PLEASE read the following! FETCH works differently depending on whether you use 4DOS (a shareware COMMAND.COM replacement) or just plain vanilla DOS: 4DOS (tm) users: - FETCH is sent to LIST/S. Press F1 while the FETCH screen is still displayed for help on using LIST. (You may scroll up and down, search, print the entire list, and much more.) - You may type multiple-word arguments, e.g. FETCH Jeremy Smith. Non-4DOS users: - FETCH is sent to MORE. If the output is longer than one screen, press a key to scroll to the next page. - You can only search for single words, e.g. FETCH FOO. Notes: - 4DOS users should edit FETCH.BTM to change FETCH; non-4DOS people should edit FETCH.BAT to change FETCH. - As written, FETCH assumes that the index file is called GD8.IDX and is in the current directory. It would be better to move the index file and FETCH onto your hard disk (in a subdirectory in your PATH), and to edit FETCH to reflect the location of the index file. That way, you can FETCH things any time, no matter what directory you happen to be in; and it runs MUCH faster. Suggestions for improvements to FETCH (especially if you also tell me how to implement your suggestions!) are requested: Joseph K. Horn 19292 EL TORO ROAD SILVERADO, CA 92676-9801