BATTY -- full version, awesome intro screen, multi levels BATTYJR -- smaller version, no nifty intro screen Program by ?? Date: 16 Jan 1993 Submitted by Brian Walsh Batty is a Breakout type game, written mostly in machine code for maximum speed. The intro screen is perhaps the most impressive graphic display yet programmed for the HP48, with wiggling letters in front of scrolling and bouncing letters. The game screens feature smooth graphics and fade in and out. Keys used: PRG (move left) Up-arrow (move right) NXT (quit) Press JEU to play the full game, or BATTY to skip the intro. In the full version, you also have these options (I surmise): A: VIES ILLIMITEES (unlimited lives) : OUI (yes) or NON (no) B/C: NIVEAU (starting level) : 0 through 9 D/E: VITESSE (speed) : 0 through 9