(Library.development) Item: 16 by akcs.bson@hpcvbbs.cv.hp.com Author: [Jan Brittenson] Date: Wed Feb 05 1992 [Note: What Jan here refers to (using Alonzo Gariepy's mnemonics) as the "IN.4 A" instruction, is the same as the "A=IN" instruction in HP's mnemonics. Either way, it's opcode 802 (hex). -jkh-] Due to a bug in the Saturn CPU (or maybe the memory controller, or the interconnect between them, or whatever, what do I know...) IN.4 A *must* reside on an even address, or the next instruction will be garbled. The solution is to call the ROM at address 1160. So, replace: IN.4 A with: CALL 0x1160 ; do IN.4 A [That's GOSBVL #1160 in HP mnemonics. -jkh-] The code at 1160 just does an IN.4 A followed by a RET. Since it's ROM it will always be on an even (integral byte) address.