Poop Sheet about HORN7, the 7th EduCALC HP 48 Goodies Disk. 1. Official Name: "HP 48 Goodies Disk, Vol. 7". 2. Diskette Volume Label: "HORN7" 3. Ordering Information: Stock #GD7A (5.25-inch high-density mini-floppy), $4.95 Stock #GD7B (3.5-inch high-density micro-floppy), $4.95 (Note: This is EduCALC's cost; they make no money off these) Shipping: $2.00 (maximum, no matter how many items you order). EduCALC 27953 Cabot Road Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 U.S.A. 4. Copyright: None. You are free to copy any or all of the files on this disk for any purpose and for anybody you wish. Copies called "Goodies Disks" should be exact duplicates, however, without additions, deletions, or changes. If it's not a real Goodies Disk, call it something else. 5. Shareware: Some of these programs are called "shareware" by their authors. This means that they encourage you to "test drive" their programs first, and then if you like them and continue to use them, to send in the suggested "registration fee". Failure to do so is Uncool. "Giftware" is a strange concept that asks you to send the author whatever you think is appropriate... even just a postcard saying "hey, good job". 6. Diskette file recovery: This disk is doubly protected against accidental loss of contents. Several hidden files on the disk allow the full use of MS-DOS 5.0's UNDELETE and UNFORMAT commands. For those without DOS 5.0, Norton's equivalent QU and FR utilities are also supported. 7. Diskette optimization: The contents of this disk are 100% unfragmented. Golden Bow Systems' VOPT and Norton's SD are used to optimize the disk for speedy access. Copies of this disk which are made by the COPY or XCOPY commands (or shell equivalents) will lose this optimization. To avoid this loss, only copy the disk with DISKCOPY (or equivalent bitcopier). 8. Viruses: This diskette was verified as DOS-virus-free by Microcom's Virex, and as HP48-virus-free by Brian Maguire's VACCINE.1, and will remain virus free as long as you keep it write-protected. 9. Directories: DIR produces alphabetized file listings, even if you don't have 4DOS or DOS 5.0, since the directories are sorted using Golden Bow Systems' VDS and Norton's DS. Each directory contains no more than 53 files, to avoid bothering people who have a Sparcom Drive95 with its pathetic directory bug that Sparcom knew about and decided not to fix nor to tell anybody about. 10. File Comments: Norton's FI (File Info) was used to attach a brief description of each file to every directory entry. Owners of FI can use it to show these descriptions. If used with the /L switch, it will show the authors' names as well. If you don't have FI, you can list all the file comments by printing the FILEINFO.SRC file in the root directory. Original EduCALC Goodies disks come with a printed copy of this file. 4DOS users can use the DIR command to see the file comments automatically, but the authors' names will not be displayed.