MTL - Cutomized error messages in your own libraries From: (Detlef Mueller) Newsgroups: comp.sources.hp48 Date: 29 Aug 91 01:50:13 GMT [Note: This package includes these files: * MTL.LIB - Message Table Library, a downloadable binary demo * MTL.DOC - this document * MSGTST.S - MTL.LIB source code (see how he did it!) MKMSGTST.BAT - DOS batch file for creating MTL.LIB MTL.M - SLOAD control file MSGTST.MN - MAKEROM control file For the demo, all you need is MTL.LIB. If you wish to see how he did it, you'll need all three asterisked files. Doing it yourself requires all six files. -jkh-] Hello, world. Want to include messages into a library with the RPL tools? The manuals give no answers, so I had to find it out 8-). I think the files are self-explaining. To install the little demonstration library, process the following steps: [Note! Steps 1 and 2 create MLT.LIB, but you don't need to, because I already did it for you. You can jump to step 3... -jkh-] | +--------------------------------------+ | | 1) Cut out the listings and put them into the appropriate files | 2) Run MKMSGTST.BAT +--> 3) Download the resulting file MTL.LIB into your HP48 4) Recall MTL.LIB onto the stack 5) Enter the port number (0,1,2) where you want to store it and press STO. 6) Switch the HP48 off, then on again. MTL.LIB will now be installed as a library named MSGTST, ID nr. 809. Try its programs MSG1, MSG2 and MSG3; these generate errors #32901h, #32902h, and #32903h, which the library intercepts and gives an error message for. (You can get the same results by typing #32901h DOERR, etc.). 'Hope this is useful information, =-), Detlef.