Conway's "Game of Life", for the 48sx, parts written in ML. LIFE is Freeware from Timm Ganske Vordergasse 67 W-6054 Rodgau 1/Juegesheim Germany Date: 1 October 1991 [Note from Joe Horn: In case you've never heard of the classic "Game of Life" invented by mathematician John Conway, you'll find Life fascinating. It's a visual delight. Here's a thumbnail sketch of what it's all about. When you're growing mold in a petri dish (or when you see mushrooms growing in your lawn, or the macropopulation density of inner cities, or mildew growing on your shower wall...), you see definite patterns of growth (expansion and rearrangement) and decay (death). If you divide up the growth space into a grid, each cell has eight neighbors (one on each side and at each corner): +--------+--------+--------+ | | | | |neighbor|neighbor|neighbor| | | | | +--------+--------+--------+ | | | | |neighbor| CELL |neighbor| | | | | +--------+--------+--------+ | | | | |neighbor|neighbor|neighbor| | | | | +--------+--------+--------+ Conway proposed a simple model of growth & decay. If a living cell has more than 3 living neighbors, it would die (overpopulation? starvation? not enough privacy?), and if it has less than 2 living neighbors, it also dies (loneliness? boredom?). Thus a living cell can only survive with exactly two or three living neighbors. On the other hand, a dead cell will come to life if it has exactly three living neighbors. Each iteration therefore results in some cells coming to life, some dying, and most staying the same. Although it is called the "game" of Life, you don't "play" it, you just watch it. But I warn you: it can be mesmerizing and highly addictive! -jkh-] Usage: LIFE expects a GROB from the stack and calculates Life until a key is pressed; don't use ON. LIFE1 calculates only one iteration of Life Both return the actual graphic BILD1 BILD2 Demo pictures, Bild 2 is the classical 'Gleiterkanone' [Note: in English, it's commonly called a "walker gun". It's a complex structure that creates "walkers", the tiny shapes that walk across the screen. Other common shapes have names too, among Life afficionados. -jkh-]