FONTSRC.COM is a self-extracting archive containing the source code for the three fonts in the QED package, namely QEDF5X6.A, QEDF6X6.A, and QEDF6X8.A. If you wish to look at them, copy FONTSRC.COM to your hard disk (or a floppy with at least 112K of free space on it), then execute it by typing FONTSRC. The three source code files (total = 100,046 bytes) will be extracted and stored on your disk. DO NOT EXECUTE FONTSRC DIRECTLY FROM THE GOODIES DISK; it does not have enough empty space. See QED.DOC for further information. Unless people put up a hue and cry against this practice, I'll start packing less-often required files into self-extracting archives like this. It can save a lot of space on the Goodies Disks! -jkh- Listing of archive : 'FONTSRC.COM' Name Original Packed Ratio Date Time Attr Type CRC -------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- ---- ----- ---- QEDF5X6.A 31370 2470 7.9% 91-10-10 14:19:30 a--w -lh1- 6FD8 QEDF6X6.A 31357 2594 8.3% 91-10-10 14:19:30 a--w -lh1- 6498 QEDF6X8.A 37319 3054 8.2% 91-10-10 14:19:30 a--w -lh1- D8D3 -------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- 3 files 100046 8118 8.1% 92-01-08 8:19:04