(Comp.sys.handhelds) Item: 3900 by cmeyer at milton.u.washington.edu Author: [Colin Meyer] Subj: Organizer for Donnelly's Tool Library Date: Mon Aug 26 1991 Jim Donnelly's Tool Library is a great piece of software, but paging through all 74 commands can get on one's nerves! I have come up with a solution: Library 1101: TLORG: TLLIB ORGANIZER This library creates menus that organize the tools by subject, according to the ToolKit manual. Usage: 1. Download ASCII object into 48 & decode with ASC-> or ASCI->. 2. Store the resulting library in a port, and turn the machine off & on. It will auto-attach to the HOME directory. 3. Enter your library menu & press [TLOR]. You will see two menu choices, [CST1] & [CST2]. They are a stand alone custom menu, and a menu to add to your current custom menu, respectively. To use the stand alone custom menu: a. Switch to the directory that you want to access the Tool Library from. b. Type: [CST1] 'CST' [STO] To add the organizer to your existing custom menu: a. Switch to the directory that you want to access the Tool Library from. b. Clear the stack. c. Type: 'CST' [RCL] [OBJ->] [DROP] [CST2] [DEPTH] [->LIST] 'CST' [STO] 4. To use the organizer, press [CST]. If you used the stand alone version, press a menu key for the category of the command you wish to use. Then press the menu key of the command. If you used the add-on version, press [NEXT] until you are at the last page of your custom menu. Press [TLLIB], then use like the stand alone version. 5. To remove the TLLIB ORGANIZER: If you used the stand alone, purge 'CST'. If you used the add on, clear stack & type: 'CST' [RCL] [OBJ->] [DROP2] [DEPTH] [->LIST]. Move to HOME directory, Type: 1101 [DETACH] :&:1101 [PURGE]. Thanks to Rick Grevelle, who showed me how to do this. --Colin. cmeyer@milton.u.washington.edu