THE GAME OF REVERSIT [Note: Paul called it "REVERSE", but that conflicts with TLLIB, so I took the liberty of changing the name slightly. -jkh-] by PAUL LANCASTER aka. SCATTER 22451 Rippling Brook El Toro, Ca. 92630 (714) 855-2801 This program plays that quick game with nine digits in a row all mixed up. Your job is to put them all in order like this; "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" To start the game press 'REVERSIT' then the HP-48 will mix 'em up and put them on the stack. The menu will show { REVGO REVERSIT } and you just push a number then press 'REVGO'. The HP-48 will reverse the order of the first set of digits in the number that you entered. ??Did I say that right?? Oh well, you can figure it out. Oh yea, if the beeper is on it will make noise to go with the program. [Note: At exit, level 2 contains your number of moves. -jkh-]