PCX (Makes your PC a remote keyboard/display for an HP 48) Author: [Jan Brittenson] Date: Thu Aug 22 1991 17:46 Maybe some instructions for PCX are in order. Move into the PCX directory. Start up kermit in terminal emulator mode (set up the line parameters and type CONN), and press REMOTE on the 48 end. Text should appear on the emulator screen. Oh, it should read "...emulator mode on your PC..." above. From there on, things should be more or less obvious. Special characters can be entered (if I remember correctly) by typing \ooo where "ooo" is the 3-digit octal code. ENTER terminates a line, . CTRL-X and CTRL-U erase the entire line, LFD (CTRL-J) enters a new line without processing the input (allowing you to make multiple-line entries), CTRL-W erases the last word, and CTRL-R rewrites the input buffer (as well as the prompt). To quit, either type KILL or press ON (on the 48) followed by RETURN on the terminal end.