Begin PARAL 1.4 Larry Hoppis Elinel Consulting -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following HP48 program contains general 1% resistor utilities for electronics technicians and hobbyists. The main program 'RPAR' will find all combinations of parallel 1% resistors to obtain the desired value within a given accuracy. This is useful in case you don't have the value you need on hand, but also because the exact value you want may not be a standard off-the-shelf value. :USAGE: RPAR: Put the value of the resistance you want in level 1 of the stack and press RPAR. RPAR presents a list of standard 1% resistance values which when paralleled will yield the desired value. The accuracy of each combination is also displayed. The required accuracy is specified by the variable 'ACCU'. Pressing ACCU will bring the accuracy value to the stack. Left-shift ACCU will store the value on the stack into ACCU. RPAR displays 9 solutions at a time using the small graphics font. Pressing '+' (or any other key) will advance to the next page. Pressing '-' will return to the previous page. Pressing the backarrow key (unshifted DROP) will exit the program and return the original value to the stack. NXT: Given any value in level 1, will return the first standard 1 % value which occurs above that value. PRV: Given any value in level 1, will return the first standard 1 % value which occurs below that value. ->PAR: Takes any two values in levels 1 and 2 and returns the parallel combination of those two values to level 1. DSP: Takes any value in level 1 decimal adjusts it for k or M scientific notation and returns it as a padded string to level one. ->BIN: Takes any resistance value in level 1 and returns a bin number n such that when n is a positive integer it represents the nth calculated 1% resistance value (starting at 1 ohm). For example if there were a numbered drawer for every 1% resistor value ->BIN would return the drawer number for a given value. ->VAL: Inverse of ->BIN. Takes any bin value in level 1 and returns the value that would occupy that bin. If the input is an integer, an exact calculated 1% value will be generated. NOTE: Both ->BIN and ->VAL work with the _calculated_ 1% values which must be rounded to 3 significant places to correspond with standard 1% values. TONE: Signal sound. You can copy this to your home directory, then purge it; it is useful in other programs too. THEORY: RPAR uses an equation I derived with the HP48 from a list of valid 1% values. This list was also created on the '48 using the formula INV(96) X = X*10 for all values between 1 ohm and 1 G ohm 0.0239852613838*X The HP48 found 0.976300098965*e This Equation and its inverse form the basis of ->BIN and ->VAL. Similiar equations could be derived for other resistor series such as 5% or 10 %. Utilizing these equations RPAR is accurate to at least 4 decimal places for all values from 1 ohm to 9.76E499 ohms - now that's a big resistor! *:-). COPYRIGHT PARAL is copyrighted and may not be distributed for money under any circumstance except in the case of a user group which may recoup a small duplication fee. PARAL may be freely copied and distributed as long as this original documentation remains with it. Please use and enjoy PARAL and contact me with any suggestions or comments. Larry L. Hoppis | quality! | Love that '48!! 240 Azalea Ave. Ben Lomond CA 95005 408-336-3651