(Comp.sys.handhelds) Option: Item: 3443 by blair at en.ecn.purdue.edu Author: [Marc E Blair] Subj: hidden variable utility for HP48 Date: Thu Jun 13 1991 [Note! See FPGDIR.DOC on this disk for vital related info. -jkh-] Hello everyone! This program is designed so users can enjoy the added feature of hidden variables without accidently causing "Try to recover memory?" errors. Here is a description of what each program does: NORMAL - restores a directory to its natural state, i.e. no hidden variables HIDE - takes an argument from level one, a variable name or list, and hides it. ALL - returns a list of all variables, including the '' variable and others hidden behind it. HIDEN - returns a list of only hidden variables. NULL - creates '' on the stack SPACE - creates ' ' on the stack (I use it to create directories with no name - I set up my home menu to have only a no-name directory, and then use my no-name directory as my home diectory. This way I can hide "personalized commands" and other variables (like PRTPAR) since no variables may be hidden in the home directory (due to system use)) DELIT - takes a list from level 2 and an object from level one and deletes that object in the list if it exists. Used by HIDE program KEYS - redefines user keys for PURGE and CLVAR so one does not accidently delete a non-empty directory that looks empty. DISCLAIMER: I am not repsonsible for memory problems that may result from cosmic rays while you are using this program or anything else. enjoy! Marc Blair blair@en.ecn.purdue.edu "The HP48: But, can it cook?"