HACK, 6 interesting (and dangerous) system-level routines by various authors. Documentation by Joe Horn. Uses Rick Grevelle's HACKIT library. Some of these programs can easily cause a Memory Clear if not used carefully. Follow these instructions closely, and be sure to backup your memory before experimenting with these tools. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ STRIP: Strips the << and >> off the program in level 1. By Conrad Winchester.  Argument: Program object with << and >> delimiters.  Caution: STRIP does not check, it just runs, removing the second five and second-to-last five nibs of the object in level 1. If you give it something other than a program, you may get a Memory Clear. PACK: Packs a program's SYSEVALs into "External" form. By Joe Horn.  Changes all << #nnnnn SYSEVAL >> pairs in a program into the single 2.5-byte System RPL object equivalent to that SYSEVAL. Also works on lists. See PACK.DOC on EduCALC Goodies Disk #2 for details. FNXT: Find Next. Searches ROM/RAM for any hex digits.  Input: #search, #start, any.  Level 1 is DROPped and SYSRCLed when search terminates, which allows repeated pressing of FNXT. Notice that the argument on level 3 is the binary number to look for, immediately followed by the number of digits to look for (minus 1!), which allows you to look for leading zeros. (#1237 looks for the 8 digits 00000123.)  Example: Code objects begin with #02DCCh. That's 5 hex digits, so add the digit "4" (one less than 5) to it: #02DCC4h. (Leading zeros do not need to be typed, of course). To look for all the Code objects in the operating system (starting at address #0h), type: #2DCC4h #0h #0h FNXT. Pressing FNXT again finds the next one, etc.  Note: If you want speed and have a PC handy, don't use FNXT; use the SEARCH command in Derek Nickel's Voyager program. PRCL: Recalls contents of an entire port to the stack.  Argument: Port number (real) 0, 1 or 2.  Example: 1 PRCL yields the contents of port 1 on the stack.  Note: The "objects" on the stack are only poiners, not yet NEWOB'd, so you can recall the "contents" of a very large card into a very little amount of MEM. However, most operations on these will perform a NEWOB (if there is sufficient MEM), such as STO. You can find the address of port objects, however, by using ADDR after PRCL. ->RPN: Convert algebraic object into equivalent RPN object (list). By Joe Horn.  Example: '1+2*3+4' ->RPN --> { 1 2 3 * + 4 + }. (Try EVAL). RPN->: Convert RPN object (list) into equivalent algebraic object. By Joe Horn.  Example: { 1 2 3 * + 4 + } RPN-> --> '1+2*3+4'. (Try EVAL).  Caution: Converting non-well-formed "RPN objects" into algebraics will either result in an 'Invalid Expression' or 'UNKNOWN' on the stack, which will evaluate the same as the list before conversion; or in Memory Clear (in extreme cases). For safety's sake, only use lists containing ->RPN outputs, or similar. Things like { << 5 >> } are not meaningful and tempt Murphy's Law. ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ