(Comp.sys.handhelds) Item: 2966 by ahernsd at mentor.cc.purdue.edu Author: [Sean Ahern, aka Dynastar] Subj: Jellyfish Graphics Demo Date: Mon Apr 29 1991 Here is a little demo that you can show people to impress them! I took the function z=cos( \/x^2+y^2 + r ) And graphed it as a function of x and y, leaving r constant, making a ripple-type graph. I then let r range from 0 to 2*pi to create 14 graphs. I then compressed them (care of Erik Bryntse) and wrote a little animation program. Decode the thing with ASC-> Just press fish to run the demo and ATTN to stop it. It will clean up after itself (hopefully!) Have fun! [Note: If the program doesn't run (leaving some stuff on the stack), or runs with hiccups, you need more MEM. Purge some vars or merge a RAM card. -jkh-]