Mode Browser, by Bill Wickes Below is the code for modes browser I demonstrated at the Philly meeting. Executing this object creates an interactive modes display that displays most HP-48 flag-controlled modes and their current states. The display shows seven modes at a time, with a pointer in the leftmost column that "selects" one mode and moves through the catalog. You can move the selection pointer with the arrow keys, or by pressing one of the menu keys MATH PLOT I/O TIME DISP SYS each of whichs jumps to a block of modes related to the key label. Other keys are defined as follows: [down-arrow] Moves the pointer to the next mode. [up-arrow] Moves the pointer to the previous mode. [left][down] Moves the pointer down one page. [right][down] Moves the pointer to the last entry. [left][up] Moves the pointer up one page. [right][up] Moves the pointer to the first entry. [ENTER] Enters the (first) flag number of the selected mode, tagged with the mode name (visible when you exit the browser). [+/-] Toggles the selected mode to its next state. [right][OFF] Turns the 48 off. [ATTN] Exits the browser. After downloading the string to your HP 48, use ASC-> to create the executable object. [Note: Also see UFLAGS on this disk: a User Flags utility. -jkh-]