(User.programs) Item: 245 by _bmenees at hpcvbbs.UUCP Author: [bill menees] Subj: memory grapher Date: Tue Mar 12 1991 MEMGRAPH gives a fast graph of memory used. IMPORTANT!!!!!: YOU MUST STORE THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF MEMORY YOUR MACHINE HAS IN THE PROGRAM (at the very beginning). Default=32(K). My machine has 192k (32 sys, 32 Smith-Corona card (which i found at Wal-Mart before seeing the posting in comp.sys.handhelds), 128 hp ram card). If you just have the system memory, use 32. [Note: "Memory" here means main memory, not "FREE" port memory. Merged ram cards are included; freed ram cards are not. -jkh-] Incidentally, the copyright COF 1990 at the bottom doesn't mean much to me. But if you change it and post it give me some credit. Also, COF stands for CUP OF FUNGUS my band/programming club/creative team. I got the idea for this prog off a Casio 7500 i saw at Wal-Mart. hope I don't get sued for making mine look like theirs.