(Comp.sys.handhelds) Item: 2292 by _dnickel at hpcvbbs.UUCP Author: [Derek S. Nickel] Subj: HP48: exit loop vs. iterate loop Date: Sat Mar 02 1991 22:52 to HP48 internals users: In my postings (including Voyager), I have listed several references to "iterate loop" (or just "iterate") and "edit loop". These are in refernce to indefinite internal loops (not counted loops). I have discovered that the sense of these is backwards. By this I mean that "iterate loop" should be "exit loop" and "exit loop" should be "iterate loop". (eek!) So, to start you off on the correct foot: 06FB7 exit loop 071AB iterate loop (and others) My mistake was not double checking these in the first place. Sorry. Derek S. Nickel