From: (Hans Christian Egeberg) Newsgroups: comp.sys.handhelds Subject: Blinky, A CHIP-48 PacMan & Chipper, A PC based CHIP-48 assembler Date: 13 Nov 90 15:33:31 GMT Organization: Norwegian Institute of Technology [Requires CHIP48, on EduCALC Goodies Disk #1; or you can use SCHIP, a new, improved version of CHIP48, on this disk. -jkh-] Blinky is a PacMan game for the Hewlett Packard HP48SX CHIP-48 interpreter. Written by Christian Egeberg ( 7/11 .. 11/11-'90, as a demonstration program for my PC based CHIP-48 assembler, Chipper V1.12. As Blinky, you are chased around in an office environment by two bosses, Packlett and Heward. Packlett does management by walking around, but Heward believes in the American dream, and possesses quite a killer instinct. Anyway, don't let them get to you, unless you are feeling very aspirant. This, of course, requires the recent fulfilment of one of four major contracts, found near the corners of the building. Otherwise, the office is filled with small tasks, just waiting for your attention. If you manage to take care of them all, your intray will overflow, just over weekend. This is the curse of any responsible and hard working employee. However, neither boss know of the emergency exit which leads from one part of the office to the other, so this may be one way to avoid them, if everything else fails. As in most decent companies, you are given a chance to clear up the mess of your first blunder. The second time on the rug... off you go. There is a small comfort in that the recommendation reflects how well you did. Recommendation points are awarded as follows: 0 points ; Make use of the emergency exit 1 point ; Take care of a minor task 4 points ; Negotiate a major contract 25 points ; Show Heward a recently fulfiled contract 50 points ; Show Packlett a recently fulfiled contract 100 points ; Clear the office environment from tasks Play by pressing BLINKY, then CHIP. Blinky control keys are: ( 8 ) ; Move up ( 4 ) ; Move left ( 6 ) ; Move right ( 2 ) ; Move down ( + ) ; Restart from the high score screen CHIP-48 control keys are: (+/-) ; Sound off / on (<==) ; Exit CHIP-48 ( This is delete, not left arrow) ( ENTER ) ; Restart CHIP-48 game Chipper V1.12 is written in Turbo Pascal V5.5, 2/11 .. 7/11-'90. Source code file should be available by anonymous ftp from, directory /disk1/pub/misc/hp48sx. This will also include the Blinky source. CHIP-48 is a video game language interpreter written by Andreas Gustafsson (, for the Hewlett Packard HP48SX calculator. CHIP-48 and its source code should be available by anonymous ftp from, directory /pub/misc/hp48sx/asap. Blinky has been run on HP48SX rom versions A, D and E, with or without installed libraries. CHIP-48 version has always been V2.25. Do NOT try to transfer the BLINKY binary string using ASCII mode. Unpredictable results may, and often will result. The binary maze data itself contains a 0D0A or CRLF sequence if you think ASCII. If this is converted to a LF or 0A, the maze will have a one byte offset error from the second line and down, causing the immediate death of Blinky. Besides, the fellow on the high score screen will have U shaped eyes. This is not a bug in CHIP-48, Blinky or even Chipper. It is a file transfer mode problem. CHIP-48 is (C) Copyright 1990 Andreas Gustafsson. Chipper is (C) Copyright 1990 Christian Egeberg. Blinky is (C) Copyright 1990 Christian Egeberg. Noncommercial distribution allowed, provided that copyright messages are preserved, and any modified versions are clearly marked as such. CHIP-48 and, because of that, programs written in Chipper, like Blinky, make use of undocumented low-level features of the HP48SX calculator. They may or may not cause loss of data, excessive battery drainage, and / or damage to the calculator hardware. The authors take no responsibility whatsoever for any damage caused by the use of these programs. Chipper does all its I/O on the PC through the Turbo Pascal FExpand(), Assign(), ReSet(), ReWrite(), Read(), Write(), Eof() and Close() run time library functions, but the author takes no responsibility for loss of data, damage to any PC hardware, nor strange incidents caused by the use of this program. This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.