CUSTOMER SUPPORT POLICIES FOR VOYAGER AND FOR EDUCALC GOODIES DISK #2 1. Since Derek and I are making no money off these programs, we cannot afford to offer MicroSoft-style support for them. Microsoft gives its customers an 800 number to call anytime, and has about 1000 employees involved in customer support. They can afford this, since customers pay a lot for the software. Derek and I must take a different approach: Here's Voyager. We hope you enjoy it. Read the DOC files. If you want more help than that, send us lots of money. :-) 2. The files on this disk are not guaranteed in any way. Use at your own risk. EduCALC copies and sells these disks as a service, not as a product, and does not offer customer support for them in any way. Joseph K. Horn will answer terse questions with terse answers on a time-available basis, by mail, if SASE is enclosed. All e-mail to akcs.joehorn@hpcvbbs.UUCP will be answered. Do not call about how to use these programs; read the .DOC files, and then you'll know as much as we do. Thank you for your HP 48 enthusiasm, and for your interest in Voyager. -- Joe Horn e-mail: akcs.joehorn@hpcvbbs.UUCP 1042 Star Route Orange, CA 92667-1042