From: Mika Heiskanen Subject: Re: Anomaly in BLIND To: Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 19:53:01 +0300 (EET DST) [Note: This email refers to a previous version of BLIND which crashed when run by typing its name rather than by pressing its menu key. The version of BLIND on this Goodies Disk does *not* have this bug. The only reason I'm including this email here is for programmers to learn how to avoid this bug in their own programs. -jkh-] Joe, This bug is due to the annoying use of LAM's when the editline is terminated. When this happens the keyhandler saves the last KeyOb to 1LAM and evaluates the editline as is - then recalls the 1LAM to evaluate the actual key which terminated the editline. In the simple case of enter key the 1LAM would actually only contain NOP. What makes it annoying is that one cannot easily obtain information on how a program was started. For SOL's the difference is that they also have to handle stack saves, and this of course happens by creating a new lambda environment. The keyhandler itself of course still expects 1LAM to contain the KeyOb which terminated the editline, thus when the SOL exits it must o Either leave the saved stack as it is for the SOL below o Abandonn it so that 1LAM becomes visible In this particular SOL I have now finally made an exit which should always work - even UNDO immediately after the exit. This probably is not the case with all SOL's - including those by me.. For your benefit I have included the source code of BLIND since the program is not disassemblable due to assembly language jumps. However I do use a personalized entry table which probably would make assembling the source a bit hard for other people. The crucial part is after the BEGIN-UNTIL loop UNDO_TOP? IT ABND ( Abandon saved stack from this SOL ) TEN GETLAMPAIR ( Recall first lambda variable ) casedrop CacheStack ( Handle the possibility of no 1st lam ) UNROT2DROP ( Leave lambda name on stack only ) EQ: PTR 5A777 ?SEMI ( Abort if it is the KeyOb save ) CacheStack ( Else save stack again if necessary ) ; Note that an exit like this is only necessary when stack saves complicate things - it is not necessary in regular programs. I should note though that if the SOL is started by typing the name then a subsequent UNDO after exit will restore the stack which one had right before the SOL whereas UNDO after exiting a directly executed SOL will do nothing since the stack is saved at exit. Changing the behaviour to be uniform does not seem worth the extra code. -- --- --> Mika Heiskanen