MIG version 2.2 (polyphonic) the Music Interpreter for the G/GX Contains an awesome example of polyphonic music: The Chinese Dance from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite Sounds best on an HP48G resting on a table, or on a GX in a very quiet room. The following is the library's ABOUT screen: Demo version of a shareware product. The registered version offers: - full two-voice Music Interpreter Engine - pitch, length, tempo, volume/timbre control for each voice - easy & friendly music language (with ABCDEFG system) - track mixer (for complicated tunes) - Music debugger & utilities - transposer, tuner, more... - English manual - upgrades for cost of diskette & mailing only - about 100K (and growing) of music available (Bach, Tchaikovsky, Falla, Joplin, Mancini, Rimski-Korsakov...) All this for only $10 US! Please contact me at: boira@armstrong.aero.upm.es Subject: 'Mig'