GDOK (Goodies Disk Okay?) File Integrity Verifier Uses BRIK.EXE and LIST.COM (or 4DOS's LIST); make sure they are in your path. Instructions: Just type GDOK at the DOS prompt, and wait a few minutes. A list of all the files which are not identical to the original Goodies Disk files will be displayed. If none are displayed, all are okay. GDOK runs a lot faster on a hard disk, and if it finds any bad files, you can recover by copying the files from the original Goodies Disk onto your hard drive. If you run GDOK directly from the floppy, and it finds bad files, you're out of luck. GDOK was originally written to prevent pranksters at my school from altering the Goodies Disks' contents on the IBM's in the computer lab. GDOK was included here at the request of several other educators, but can be useful to anybody who suspects that a file got mangled somehow. -jkh-