TV, by ???; a gullibility exploitation program. This displays a little TV in the middle of the HP48 screen, and fills it with random "static" and sends white noise to the beeper as well. Looks & sounds just like a TV tuned to a station that's off the air. This program would be pointless except that it gives me no end of pleasure to tell my students that the HP48 is so awesome that it can even receive and "decode" TV signals, real-time, and thus be used as a portable television. When they don't believe me, I run TV, and then very seriously and slowly point the HP48 in various directions, as if to pick up a signal. When nothing appears, I explain that inside buildings an antenna needs to be hooked up for better reception, and I show them the RS232 port. As they gape in astonishment, I say, "Wait a second, let me try a full-screen picture!" And I run the RNDSCR program (also on this disk). They stare in wonderment at something that in fact deserves no attention whatsoever, and they go off and tell their friends that they actually saw an HP48 being used as a television! BWAH Hah hah! -jkh-