+------------------+ | UPDIR Done Right | | by Joseph Horn | +------------------+ --> S/SX/G/GX UPD is an HP48 directory containing two versions of the same program: UP - the stand-alone version (requires nothing else) UPL - shorter but requires HACK library's VARS command "Who needs it?" You do. We've all experienced this: every time you press the UP key to execute UPDIR, it resets the menu to page 1, and so you always have to press NXT, NXT, NXT... to get back to the menu page that you just came up from. I always used to press NXT too many times, and have to then press PREV to back up a page or two. It's a waste of time. It's aggravating. And now it's unnecessary. Assign 'UP' to your UP key, and you'll love the way it does UPDIR, automatically jumping to the menu page containing the directory that you just came up from. And it's VERY fast. You'll never have to wade through your VAR menu again! Hacker's note: UP will act the same as UPDIR if you run it from a hidden directory. "Which version should I use?" Do you have HACK.LIB in memory? Then use UPL (it's only 58.5 bytes). Otherwise, use UP (it's 216.5 bytes long). Note: HACK.LIB is *not* the same thing as HACKIT.LIB. You can find HACK.LIB in the JAZZ directory on this disk.