SOL version 1.5 -=================- by Richard Steventon --> S/SX/G/GX 1) Index: ========= 1) Index 2) What is SOL ? 3) Features 4) Commands 5) SOL's flag usage 6) The "Postcard-ware" concept 7) The Status Area Explained 8) The Interactive Stack Menu Keys Explained 9) NOTES 10) BUGS (none so far) 11) Installing the Library 12) Deleting the Library 13) What does "SOL" stand for? 14) Other info 15) Hacking SOL or Using SOL's code in your own libs: 16) Thanks to 17) SOURCE CODE 2) What is SOL ? ================ SOL is a library that displays a 5 level stack. However, it is vastly different to any of the other 5 level stack programs around (unless of course, they are using my Code!). 3) Features: ============ - works on S/SX and G/GX. - 5 level stack and FAST 5 Level Interactive Stack (changeble font!). - (my famous) lowercase menus. :-) - lowercase Path display in Status area. - more "Informative" Status display that shows plug-in Card status. - option for oval/rectangular menu keys. - autostart if not in covered memory and flag 64 is set. - "Postcard-ware"... see the AboutSOL screen. 4) Commands: ============ StartSOL : Starts the 5 level stack (sets flag 64). QuitSOL : Quits the 5 level stack (clears flag 64). Oval? : Toggle for oval menus (sets/clears flag 63). ->FNT : Takes a 192 x 64 grob and changes the base font. FNT-> : Returns the base font as a 192 x 64 grob. AboutSOL : Shows the "About" screen. 5) SOL's flag usage: ==================== 62 : force SOL to NOT make oval menus when CST menu shows & 63 is set 63 : oval menus on 64 : SOL running 6) The "Postcard-ware" concept: =============================== I have decided to make SOL v1.5 "postcard-ware", as I have put a lot of time and effort into getting SOL where it is today. This is because I could never (ever) ask for money for something like SOL (although some suggested that I do - no names mentioned ;). However, I would like people who like or use SOL a lot to send me a postcard. I feel that this is not too steep, and I would *really* enjoy getting the postcards. Obviously, if you use SOL and never send me a postcard, I cannot do anything about it, but I think that most people who have a HP48 are pretty decent people and will contribute to this rather fun way of giving something in return. My address can be found in SOL's "AboutSOL" screen. 7) The Status Area Explained: ============================= I never use or like seeing the USER flags 1 to 5, so..... The Status Area has some new "Soft" Annunciators.. as follows: BEEP/BELL: ((.)) : Alarm beep on (looks like the "beep" on digital watches) (bell) : Error beep on (looks like a bell actually) (alpha) : shows when alpha lock is on. PORTS: I : ROM/wp RAM card in port one I (with box around) : RAM card in port one I (with inverted box) : MERGEd RAM card in PORT1 The same goes for port 2, except it will look like a "II".... Obviously, if there is no card in the port, you will not see anything. BTW, this idea come from Kernel that was released in '91. 8) The Interactive Stack Menu Keys Explained: ============================================= Two new functions have been added to the IStack menu keys. You can find them on the second "page" of the menu... they are: ->PRG : Nice little feature that puts a program together from the components on the stack... NOTE that you can recreate programs that were exploded onto the stack with eg OUT->. REV : As its name implies, it will reverse the order of the stack objects between the cursor and "level" 1. 9) NOTES: ========= GX ports >1 : Although SOL v1.5 will work in a GX covered port, putting it there is not recommended as this will slow down the HP48's display updates. This is because the HP48 will copy everything from "covered" memory to "temporary" memory as it cannot execute it otherwise. This results in a large performance loss. ->FNT in ROM : executing ->FNT from ROM will not change the library. executing it with SOL in a GX port >1 will result in Error: Library Covered ... just move it to port 0/1. 10) BUGS: ======== None reported so far. 11) Installing the Library: =========================== 1) send the library to the HP 48 2) put a copy of the library on the stack. 3) put on level 1, the port number where you wish to store the library eg 0 4) press [STO] 5) you may now PURGE the variable containing the library. 6) set flag 64 or do 7) and run StartSOL 7) Power cycle your HP 48 (press [ON]-[C] or turn off, then on). 12) Deleting the Library: ========================= 1) press the QuitSOL menu key 2) make sure that the 5 level stack is not running or referenced anywhere eg in LASTARG (you may need to warmstart). 3) type :&:908 then press [ENTER] [ENTER] 4) type DETACH PURGE 5) the display should "flick" slightly - don't worry, it's normal. 13) What does "SOL" stand for? ============================== SOL stands for "System Outer Loop". This is HP's name for the program that displays the stack, handles errors and keypresses. 14) Other info: =============== Lib number : 908 (the same as various other 5 level stack programs) Size : 10344 bytes Checksum : # B1E5h Version : 1.5 Tested on SX revision E and GX revision R (appears to work fine) All disclaimers claimed... backup your memory if in doubt. 15) Hacking SOL or Using SOL's code in your own libs: ===================================================== 1) If you use SOL's lowercase menus in your own library then: (a) I want you to put my name in the credits/docs, (b) I want/demand that you send me a postcard (this way, I am assured of getting at least *some* postcards). :) 2) If you use a library splitter on SOL, note the size of the resulting directory! 8-) My only remarks are: (a) Source is available on request (b) Use SAD by Mika (c) Have fun if you don't see (a) or want a challenge ! 16) Thanks to: ============== Mika Heiskanen for Jazz and MLDL in HP mnemonics. Rick Grevelle for help with bitmap shifting. Jon Paine for lending me his GX (again and again). Mozgy for telling me I *have* to put a 5 level IStack into SOL! Dan Kirkland for immortalising the words: "Mine WILL be better!" Joe Horn for suggestions about CST menus and ovals (flag 62). Everybody else IRC channel #hp48 for comments etc... And all those on comp.sys.hp48 who gave suggestions. 17) SOURCE CODE: ================ The source code is for RPLCOMP et al and is over 125K uncompressed, so I am reluctant to release it here as some people are forced to download everything that gets posted to the newsgroup. However, if anybody wants the source code, just send me a telling me what you want and I will send it PKZIP'ed and UUencoded. If you have any questions/comments/flames/lawsuits/etc then feel free to email me. -Bye -Richard Steventon ps, to contact me: (until end of 1995) or (not checked often) IRC RichardS on channel #hp48 (normally 11am GMT) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overheard in the passage one day at 'varsity: "...and then I'll whip out my Hewlett Packard and..." ____________________________________________________________________________