48C.COM, another HP48-Character screen font for VGA IBM PC's -- by Joe Horn To use 48C.COM, just run it. To reset the default IBM font, use the DOS command MODE CO80 (for color) or MODE BW80 (for black & white). Some software alters the current screen font, so you may have to run 48C.COM again. It's not a TSR. It takes up no memory. Try this little IBM PC program. It'll change your VGA screen font into something resembling the HP48 font, but still keep the IBM "character graphics" from ASCII 1-30 and 176-223, plus a few others that I decided needed changing like char 251 which Norton uses as a checkmark. I *like* this font! It makes your IBM PC look smarter than it really is, because it'll look like an HP 48! It even looks good in Norton Commander, QEDIT, WordPerfect, and other cool stuff. For a program that's 100% faithful to the HP48 character set, see 48.COM (by Steve Thomas) and 48B.COM on Goodies Disk #7. -jkh-