HIPORT by Joe Horn. Written in Assembly. Impossibly fast. --> GX ONLY!!! Just run it. HIPORT returns the number of the highest port in the card installed in GX slot 2. For example, if there's a 1 Meg RAM card plugged in, HIPORT will return 9, because that's the highest port number in a 1 Meg RAM card. If HIPORT returns a 1, that means that there is no card plugged into slot 2. It does *not* necessarily mean that there is a card in slot 1. It is intended primarily for programmers, who can use it like this: 2 HIPORT FOR p ... p ->TAG ... NEXT The size of the card (assuming that it's not a 32K card) can be obtained in ways like these: HIPORT 1 - 8 / --> size in megabytes HIPORT 1 - 128 * --> size in kilobytes HIPORT 1 - 131072 * --> size in bytes Thanks to Bertrand Schmitt for telling me the address in RAM where the port 2 information can be found (see HIPORT.S). See also SPORT and PORTSTAT on this disk.