Date: Sunday, March 19, 1995 From: [Richard Steventon] Re: Tricorder-related programs --> S/SX/G/GX Here's my set of shell utilities for the IRECHO program. (Better known as tricordr.) (A copy of tricordr is included)A list of utilities: Level: Numerical and Bar graph display for irecho. (Tricordr improvement) (IRECHO needs to be present) TTT: Improved IRECHO program.(but IRECHO still needs to be in the same directory) Works even with the cover on (for those of you with 48G calculators.) Usage: replace all occurrences of IRECHO in a program with TTT. T1: Security program for HP calculator: put a white object in front of the calculator. When it is removed or a key is pressed, a loud beep will sound. Press on to exit. (TTT and IRECHO must be in the same directory for this program to work) TRICOR1: Original Tricordr program. TRICOR2: Another Original Tricordr program. BTW: In all programs, feel free to change the string Wayne to a more appropriate appellation. For you newbies, you do this by pressing the ' key, the program which you want to modify, and them press ENTER. Now press Purple shift and then EDIT(the +/- button). Scroll down using the \/ key until you see the text you want to change. Change the name as you would in a word processor. Remember, to add alpha- numeric characters you have to press the 'a' (under enter) key twice to turn on alpha lock. Press 'a' one more time to turn alpha lock off. When you are done, press the Enter key and your changes will be saved. Note to teachers who might want to crush calculators: Don't do it. They might not survive. /|----__________________________________________________----|\ || Comming to you, broken up into little bits, scattered || || around the country, and converging at your computer || || (internet theory); || || || || It's a message from: WAYNE!!! (AOL was better.) || || _________________________________________________ || || |||E-mail:;||| || || ||| Web Site: ||| || || ------------------------------------------------- || || ___________________________________________________ || \|---- ----|/