Date: Saturday, June 3, 1995 2:00pm From: To: Joseph K. Horn Re: Whirl --> S/SX/G/GX Hi Joe, I liked one of the effects in the French demos so much that I added rotation in the opposite direction and straight out movement. Perhaps you have some demos/ dir in your future Goodies Disks where the program would fit in. Source code is included, but as you can probaly see I have added local label generation into ASS so you will not be able to assemble the source with the latest published Jazz. I will send you a new copy of Jazz when I have added some more features, hopefully some time during the next week. DIS works just fine on the whirl binary. ON-key aborts. [Note: Mika did send the new version of Jazz. It assembles local labels just dandy. It's the version on this disk. -jkh-] -- --- --> Mika Heiskanen