***************************************************************** * * * GROBHP by FLAHP * * v2.2 dec 93 * * make grobs on your PC * * * ***************************************************************** [Requires a mouse and mouse driver, or will not run. -jkh-] Compatible with S/SX/G/GX, because it runs on your PC, not your HP! This is the best program for making GROBS very easily on your PC. With GROBHP you can make ordinary GROBS (black&white) and also 4COLORS grobs. [4COLORS is a gray-scale technique. -jkh-] To do this run : GROBHP in the 1st screen: - type the name of the source .PCX file or press ENTER to select it from a directory. [Note: the program shows a maximum of 23 PCX files per directory. -jkh-] - write the name of the destination .HP file (ENTER if the same) - press 'Y' if you want to make a 4COLORS grob. in the 2nd screen (the picture): - with the left button of the mouse, select the size of your grob, OR - with the right button , select a grob with the same size of the screen on your HP48 (131*64) - if your have selected a good size , see the line: x->??? , y->??? , size ????k (this value is the size of the picture in ASCII format), then press 'Y'. [Note: the larger the grob, the longer it takes to run. Since the program gives no indication of what it's doing, it seems like it has crashed, but be patient. It'll probably finish in less than 30 seconds. Very large pictures DO seem to make it crash, though. -jkh-] To see the picture on your HP , use SCROLL (for ordinary grobs) or SCROLL4C (for 4COLORS grobs). These 2 programs work on all HP48's (SX&GX). Included are some sample 4COLORS grobs (PUNK.4C, HEARTUSA.4C, FACE.4C, and a bunch of small ones in a directory object called PICTURES.4C). [I included two PCX files for you to play with: DOG.PCX and STARBUCK.PCX. -jkh-] If you make interesting pictures, please put them on comp.sys.hp48, comp.sources.hp48 and all servers in the world. NOTE: GROBHP.EXE needs FONT.COM and EGAVGA.BGI, and a mouse driver must be loaded, or GROBHP.EXE will not run. [Note: If you abort the program's first screen by pressing CTRL-BREAK, GROB.COM will still be in effect, and your screen font will be majorly ugly. Just execute the DOS command MODE CO80 (or BW80) to get back to normal. Or run the 48C.COM program on this disk for a really nice screen! -jkh-] If any questions : e-mail pigallio@essi.cerisi.fr