Author: ? If you want to use the equivalent of TRACE on the 28, you can use vectored ENTER to help you. Enter the programs: alphaENTER (25.5 bytes, #CA4Dh) [Get "alpha" by [blue][A] in alpha mode.] \<< PR1 OBJ\-> \>> and betaENTER (118.5 bytes, #F6B1h) [Get "beta" by [blue][B] in alpha mode.] \<< IF DUP "" == THEN DROP "?" END 'KEY' \->TAG PR1 DROP IF DEPTH THEN DUP 1 \->TAG ELSE "[Empty Stack]" END PR1 DROP \>> Set flags -62 (user mode) and -63 (vectored ENTER). Make sure the output is sent to the right device (IR or wire). [Note: the correct way to write "alphaENTER" is "\GaENTER", but I left the author's original text as it was. -jkh-]