Gentle Reader: these MacIntosh files are mentioned on HP's BBS. There may be more, but without a Mac I had little incentive to hunt further. -jkh- Welcome to the HP Calculator Bulletin Board System =========================================================================== (Test) Item: 10 by kenc at hpcvbbs.UUCP Author: [Ken Creel] Subj: MacKermit for the MacIntosh 128K Keyw: kermit macintosh apple Date: Wed Apr 11 1990 18:14 "CKMKER" (75392 bytes): MacKermit 0.8(34) for the MacIntosh 128K. "CKMKEY" (26240 bytes): Keyboard configurator for use with MacKermit 0.8(34). "BEWARE" (7509 bytes): List of bugs, limitations, and work-arounds that exist for MacKermit 0.8(34). "PART1" (9799 bytes): MacKermit 0.8(34) document file, part 1. "PART2" (9716 bytes): MacKermit 0.8(34) document file, part 2. "PART3" (9540 bytes): MacKermit 0.8(34) document file, part 3. "PART4" (8781 bytes): MacKermit 0.8(34) document file, part 4. =========================================================================== (Test) Item: 12 by kenc at hpcvbbs.UUCP Author: [Ken Creel] Subj: MacKermit 0.9(40) Keyw: kermit apple macintosh Date: Thu Apr 12 1990 08:26 "MACKERMIT" (78697 bytes): MacKermit 0.9(40) for the MacIntosh 512K, Plus, II, or SE. "MANUAL" (44416 bytes): MacKermit 0.9(40) document file. =========================================================================== (Test) Item: 16 by meghas at hpcvbbs.UUCP Author: [Megha Shyam] Subj: Programs on HP-48 Mac Serial link Date: Wed Apr 18 1990 15:41 These files are found on the 82209A, the HP48 serial interface kit for Macintosh computers: "HP48font" and "GROBer" These two files are executable on Macintosh.