Author: Dave Vomocil The attached programs can be used to turn your HP48SX into a four function RPN machine that handles fractions graphically. That is, you will be able perform computations on mixed numbers the way you did in grade school. The pieces (i.e. files/programs) you need are: GCD computes greatest common divisor LCM computes least common multiple PLUS used to add two mixed numbers SUBTR used to subtract two mixed numbers MULTI used to multiply two mixed numbers DIVI used to divide two mixed numbers DPLAY used to display a mixed number SWAPR used to 'swap' two mixed numbers on the stack DISPL common display code used by DPLAY, PLUS, SUBTR, etc. ADD$ common arithmetic code used by PLUS and SUBTR. KEYS this is a list you can hand to STOK to assign values to your 'user' keys. How to do fractions: The software looks to the stack for arguments. It uses three levels to define a mixed number. It wants the whole number in level three, the numerator in level two, and the denominator in level one. The operators '+', '-', '*', '/' and 'swap' expect two mixed numbers on the stack. The arithmetic operators leave only the result on the stack. The operator displays the mixed number in levels 1, 2, & 3; and leaves it the stack unchanged. Example: Press: 1 2 3 ; see one and two thirds displayed. Then press 4 5 6 + ; see one and two thirds plus four and five sixths equals six and one half. Bugs: The whole number must be positive. The software does not handle a negative mixed number correctly. For example, it says six and one half plus a negative three and on half equals four. by dave vomocil