X. de Saint-Martin presents Micro View V3.0 (SX/GX) (UFL) (c) Oct 1996 Description: ------------ MVIEW is a small viewer (less than 2KB) but it has all the functions of larger viewers. MVIEW has the following features: - It supports multiple fonts (via UFL FNT2) - It works the same on SX and GX, automatically adjusting for the speed differences between the two machines. - It is compatible with the standards set by XVIEW 2.0 - To preserve battery power, it shuts downs your HP after 5 minutes of inactivity. - It supports a 'topics' key (summary) Keys: ----- - Movement : Arrow keys - Start : RS + up-arrow - End : RS + down-arrow - Full Left : RS + left-arrow - Next Page : NXT - Prev Page : 1/x - Page Left : SQRT - Page Right : y^x - Speed : NEG - Info : PRG - Summmary : MTH - Prev Topic : ' - Next Topic : SIN - Off : DROP - Quit : ON Notes: ------ - The summary key 'topics' are found by lines starting with '*'. When in the summary screen, pressing the number in front of the topic will jump you there. - Using styles: Inverse : CHR 11+I Bold : CHR 11+B Underline : CHR 11+U - The program RFONT recalls the current UFL FNT2 as a 8 x 2048 grob Greetings to: ------------- - KanedA for participation and precious advice. - Daneel for his suggestions. - T. Dang Ngoc Tuyet for his GX. - CoolHP for ideas. Contacts: --------- RTC-ONE: 48-70-10-29 48-58-46-17 BALS: Grizoux or KanedA