NAME : ADISP2h dbv 11-1995 TEST : SG TYPE : Library 778 SIZE : 3995 bytes LANGUAGE : Code CONTENT : Viewer Sorry but english is not my mother tongue, so instead of writting a long text, I will try to explain you how to use ADISP2 with exemples you could try on your own hp48 (s, sx, g or gx). But first notice that ADISP2 is a What_You_Want_Ware, it means that ADISP2 IS NOT FREEWARE, but you can choose the price you want to pay for it, nothing if you want, but nevertheless you MUST be registred if you like it! Depending on your contribution, you will receive new versions, tools, examples and so on... If you have an electronic mail, don't forget to tell it, it will be easier to send you new versions! Jean-Francois MORREEUW 44, rue Charles Monselet 33000 BORDEAUX FRANCE (33) (my own adress, only ASCII files) (all files, from 11/1995 to 06/1996 only...) ...and in France with a Minitel 3614 ENTROPIE or 3615 RTEL mail-box DBV Ok. First, please load the two files, ADPTL2?.CLB and ADISP2?.CLB that you have found with this documentation (they both work on 48s and 48g). Then, load BZ if you don't have it, your favourite string editor: StringWriter 4.4 for example. Now, reboot your 48... 1. WE WILL FIRST TRY TO SEE THE DIFFERENT KEYS AND MODES WITH A NORMAL FILE IN ADISP2... 1.1. Put in the stack the matrix... [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 -9]] ...then press [1/x] and execute 'AVIEW' > press [alpha] key 2 or 3 times to see the changes > verify that the [alpha] node is saved when you come back to ADISP2 > try [->] and [<-] in the different modes of [alpha] > try [TAN] to come back to the begining of the line after many [->] > press [ON] to stop ADISP2: the object in the stack is killed (so if you want to keep it, don't forget to 'DUP' it in the stack!) To quit ADISP2 you can use [ON], [ENTER] or [DROP]... 1.2. Put in the stack the examples: << 1 + 1 DISP 1 2 START DUP NEXT >> "THIS IS AN EXAMPLE" 1.25685 ...and execute 'AVIEW' to see the results 1.3. Put in the stack: "1 12 123 1234 12345 123456 1234567 " ...then [ENTER] [+] [ENTER] [+] [ENTER] [+] and execute 'AVIEW' > try the up and down arrows after having pressed - [PRG] - [STO] - [COS] > verify that the speed is saved when you stop ADISP2 and then come back > try the keys [NXT] and [1/x] > try the keys [CST] and [EVAL] > press [SIN] and retry all the keys seen before, then press [SIN] again... > press [EEX] (and then [ON] to switch on), [SIN] node on/off 1.4. Create the directory 'EXAMPLE', containing 2 directories 'EXAMPLE1' and 'EXAMPLE2' and a file 'STRING' containing "123456" for example... In EXAMPLE1 create a file 'NUMBER1' containing 1.256 and a file 'NUMBER2' with 0 in it. > go to the HOME directory and execute 'AVIEW' with nothing in the stack > go into EXAMPLE and execute 'AVIEW' - select STRING with the up and down arrows - press [ENTER] on the line containing STRING - press [ENTER] or [ON] to come back - come again in STRING and then press [DROP]... ok? Execute again AVIEW... - press [ENTER] on the line EXAMPLE1 - select the differents files and come back on the list screen - press [ON], enter EXAMPLE1, press [']... ok? > now press [ENTER] on the line EXAMPLE2... you are out. That is because the directory was empty, and there is a security in the program (it can't be possible to choose a file if there is NO files!) 2. THEN WE WILL SPECIAL FILES FOR ADISP2 HERE, chr(x) WILL MEAN THAT YOU MUST INCLUDE IN YOUR TEXT THE CHARACTER x... 2.1. Create this file: "chr(11)DDOUBLEchr(11)D SIZE chr(11)VINVERT chr(11)BBOLD IS FINE chr(11)UUNDERLINE chr(11)IINDEX SIZE chr(11)EEXPONENT SIZE chr(11)/WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THIS? chr(11)chr(124=[alpha][RightShift][J])AND ABOUT THIS? chr(11)Dchr(11)/AND THEN? 1 2 3 4 5 chr(11)C HERE IS A CLICK! " ...and execute AVIEW > look at the display!!! > press [+] and [-] to choose a volume > go up and down with different volume for the click! 2.2. Create the string: " *THIS IS A TITLE 0 **THIS IS A SUB-TITLE hello chr(161)THIS IS A TITLE adisp2 is good for you chr(161)chr(161)THIS IS A SUB-TITLE hum... 3.14 chr(11)TTHIS IS A TITLE is pi! chr(11)STHIS IS A SUB-TITLE that's ok! " > now press ['] or [MTH] and then [ENTER] > go in the title and sub-title menus, press [CST] and [EVAL] > see the difference between [ON] and [ENTER] when your select a title > try the [DROP] key in the title menu 2.3. Now create the string "*chr(11)chr(0)chr(11)BBOLD IN TITLE NOT IN TEXT *chr(11)chr(1) YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? *chr(11)chr(1)chr(11)V>1st experience *chr(11)chr(1)>chr(11)V2nd experience *ANOTHER Bchr(11)HLEACH" > select and unselect the title mode, and look at the differences Note that you can jump from 0 to 9 characters (and as you see a special character is not considered like a real character) 2.4. Experiment this string... "chr(12)123chr(12)234chr(12)345" It is a way to creat new symbols and pictures! do: LCD-> GRO-> " 123453" + AVIEW > just scroll and see... Notice that you can replace "chr(12)chr(0)chr(0)chr(0)" by " " and that it is possible to mix text and pictures of ANY size 3. HOW TO USE ADISP2 OBJECTS? 3.1. Create a string, execute 'BOOT' and save the result in 'STUV' in VAR Then press STUV... Put the file in stack, execute 'BOOT', save it and try again... ok? You can strore a BOOTed object in VAR or any PORT... This object can be whatever you want, but not a program! it can be a compressed directory for exemple... 3.2. Create a string "0123" then [DUP] [+] many times Compress the string. The Uncompressor must be BZU or RFU to be found by ADISP2, and in a library (the number you want) or in VAR. Then execute 'AVIEW'. If the compressor is found the text will be viewed, if not you will see 'BZU' or 'RFU' on the screen. 3.3. Execute SYMB Change the 'A' letter Save the font with the name 'ADISP2.Symbol' Verify that ADISP2 uses now your new font Fonts can be saved in VAR and in PORT You can have up to 10 fonts. Create the number of fonts that you need and put them in a list, named 'ADISP2.Symbol'. To use other fonts in a text, use "chr(11)x" where x is a number from 0 to 9. Every time you go to a new line, ADISP2 take back the font 0 (first one in the list) Note about SYMB: it is an old version that does not edit the 32 first characters, but in fact ADISP2 can use those 32 first characters... To display chr(11) chr(12) and chr(10) just put in the string: "chr(11)chr(11)" or "chr(11)chr(12)" or "chr(11)chr(10)" 4. WHAT CAN I SHOW NOW? 4.1. Oh yeah, if there is chr(3) or chr(4) in the begining of the text, then ADISP2 will begin in title or sub-title mode...(of course there must be titles in your text!!! if not, just press [ON]...but it was not a very good idea!) 4.2. Normaly when you put chr(2) and a character, this character becomes a title mark... well in this version it does not work. It is a stupid error but this version is still distributed, so it will be repared in the new ADISP2... sorry for that... 4.3. Ok, I hope this file will be able to show you the possibilities of ADISP2h. Sure that it would have been better to expose clearly all the possibilities, but it was a little difficult for me... so if you have any question about all of this, don't hesitate to send me a mail!!! See you nearly on irc #hp48 or by email... (: Friendly, dbv :)